Your Wholesale Raw Foods & Equipment Connection
I have made the foods I carry affordable. I offer my dealer cost (the price I pay) for all my foods. I hope this helps those who support my site be able to afford the foods they normally couldn't.
After testing all the brands I have found, I have decided to sell the brand or brands that I consider the best.
This is a long review page on raw foods... you might want to print it.
There are so many grade of cacal beans.
Avoid pre-shelled beans for highest flavor profile.
The best cacao is sun dried
Good cacao is not fumigated.
They are NOT previously frozen
Avoid Non-Heirlooms (hybridized)
Avoid beans that crumble when pinched.
Genetically strong beans require soaking to get the shell off
I avoid beans that are molded or crumble.
What cacao looks like naturally.
I tested nearly every major cacao nib brand.
Avoid beans that are oxidized and fermented
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CUSTOMER NOTICE: Cacao beans that are properly fermented will predigest most of the amino acids which will make the minerals much more bio-available. Fermentation of cacao beans also rids the microbes and reduces the caffeine. It transforms the remaining caffeine from the stimulant nature to a more adaptogenic affect. Fermentation of the cacao beans can also change the flavor profile.
The biggest cacao powder brands on the market.
I have tested almost every major brand of cacao powder. Cacao powders vary in taste from mild to strong. Some have been processed more and others have more fat content. Some are more alive than others due to lower temperature processing. Watch out for vinegar smelling cacao beans and powder. Cacao beans or powder that has this smell is from beans that are not properly fermented. When cacao beans are slowly fermented, it allows the microorganisms to consume the entire food supply so their life cycle is complete. The vinegar smell is a clear signal that the beans were not fermented.
Most cacao paste comes in squares or big blocks.
Guess which cacao paste I use? You want an incredibly smooth, buttery chocolate treat, get good paste.
We can get the same type of cacao that is used in the $1,000.00 Golden Opulence Sundae. Yes, they charge $1,000 for one ice cream sundae here.
I carry the highest grade raw cacao powders, nibs, and beans.
Contact me for free samples.
Limit 2 free samples per person or per address
100% Tahitian Beans: Tahiti beans (v. tahitensis)
I also have the freshest Madagascar and Papua New
Guinea beans for those who cannot afford the Tahiti beans.
Tahiti beans: Fruity, floral and its floral notes enhances the sweetness in foods.
Prized recipes include ice creams, smoothies, fruit salads, and dehydrated goods.
Platifolia: These beans are a more smooth, creamier flavor.
These are good for chocolates, cream desserts, and savory appetizers.
Our beans do not have splits or folds. Each bends with gentle effort and are soft
and fresh, never dry. Fresh.
We carry the highest grade Tahiti grown vanilla beans and low temperature stone ground vanilla caviars on Earth.
Free Samples Available
Limit 5 free samples per member
Contact me for a free Vanilla bean sample.

You don't eat a banana before it's ripe or a tiny durian that is not fully grown, so why eat small and medium cashews that are not fully ripe and robust with flavor yet.
The best cashews kernels in the world are not boiled or put in a fire to crack its shells. Although this speeds up the shelling process, it ruins the enzymes and essential fatty acids. Once these are destroyed, the flavor once there is gone.
Our kernels are hand shelled with picks and scalpels to pry them out.
Many get split and those are not the same. Split cashews and pieces can oxidize on the shelf. The kernals we sell are graded to jumbo size which has soaked up more energy and has more flavor than the smaller sizes. It takes nearly an entire workday to make about 8 pounds of these cashews. Out of that 8 hours, only a select few cashes are "jumbo wholes".
After the harvest, raw cashews are often stored for up to a year in warehouses during the off season. The best time to get these cashews are right away before they dry out and lose flavor.
We carry the highest grade jumbo cashew kernels on Earth.
Samples Available
Limit 5 free samples per member
Get a free sample. Contact me.

Some berries are dry, some are moist. Some are more sweet and others are more sour.
Some are sun dried and some are dehydrated. Some are heirlooms and some are hybrids.
Over dried gojis have a longer shelf life but a lower vibrance.
Watch out for gojis that have been frozen.
Many distributors freeze their berries since they have to buy metric tons (2,200 lbs) to get their discounts.
Water in goji berries expands when frozen and destroys the structure of the berry.
I eat gojis from plants at least 4 years old but no longer than 7 years. This 3 year period is the plants' prime.
Avoid gojis that have been sitting in warehouses!
The best berries are imported that were just harvested and then sold to the consumers right away.
I love the gojis that are moist and harvested in the summer (not Autumn). These have the highest nutrient profile.
I ALWAYS for Summer grown gojis, otherwise I will often get Autumn grown berries.
The best berries have not been touched during the harvesting process or they will turn darker. The best goji berries are never touched by hand,but instead are collected by shaking the vines, as touching them causes them to lose some of their nutritional potency.
Younger goji berry bushes produce weaker fruit with not so good nutrient profiles since the berries cannot fully mature.
The older the tree, the more tough and bitter the goji berry will be with a much lower nutrient profile.
The most nutritious goji berries are picked at the goji plants peak life. Some importers buy gojis at this time and other importers buy the berries at the end of the goji plants life span for a much cheaper price.
So, when you are buying gojis, unless you don't know if you are getting gojis from a prime plant or gojis from the last batch before the goji plant dies at the end of its life cycle, you should know. Do not pay for gojis thinking you are going to get all the health benefits just because you are buying gojis. Goji plants deteriorate and produce very inferior berries for consumption after its peak growing period. Our tests have shown how gojis can vary in nutrient profiles. Don't be scammed. Be informed!
Gojis that are more moist cannot sit in warehouses for long periods of time because their moisture content will draw bacteria and molds over time. If you can get moist berries, make sure you buy from the importers and not a store that buys that brand from the importer.
I have no idea what the temperature of the warehouses are and how they were stored. Due to the dehydrated nature of gojis, it is hard to see if they are rotted because the sugars are dominant. Usually, gojis turn a lighter color as they age. This can occur from bacteria and yeasts, and most commonly molds. Once I see a rotted goji berry then as far as I am concerned the whole bag is confirmed rotted.
When the gojis have gone bad it will taste sour, which is from the bacterial breakdown of the berry and the formation of lactic acid and subsequent sour taste.
My gojis are very moist, chewy and sweet. They are the reddest gojis you will find and are the least acidic.
My gojis have a complex fruitiest taste and do not have that Earthy flavor profile as others. They are wild-
crafted and grown in glacial melt water. The brix level is the highest you will find from any goji berry.

Our gojis are almost as moist as these!
Contact me for a free sample. Limit 5 samples per member.
100% Brine Free Salt
The most expensive salt in the world.
One taste and you will never eat brined salt again.
This is the salt we use in all of our recipes
A much different profile than any other kind of salt.
The only way to know why this is so expensive is to try it.
This salt normally sells for about 40 dollars an ounce.
Contact me for a free sample.
Limit 5 free samples per member.
Good cacao butter has no white spots from oxidation which leads to rancidity.
Raw cacao butter has a melting point between 93 to 100 degrees.
The higher the grade, the closer it melts toward 93 degrees.
Cacao butter that is inexpensive is usually found in cosmetics and melts near 100 degrees.
Important: Always melt cacao butter at just over 90 degrees in a dehydrator.
Cacao butter that does not melt at this setting is a lower grade.
Each grade is usually seperated by 1.5 degrees.
Butter that is sold near the end of its life cycle will show signs of rancidity that we show below.
Here is a picture of nine different cacao butters from different importers.
I stay far away from cacao butter that is oxidized. The whitish coloring is from the reaction with the air.
If there is too much white color on the cacao butter, I don't use it. Oxidation. This is when the oils get rancid and turn colors.
Some cacao butters have hardly any white coloring at all.
I test the butters to see which ones have higher and lower melting
points and which ones have the most life left in it with our meters.
Some cacao we have tried samples of come crumbled.
Some cacao butters are oxidized on one side and not on the other.
The chocolate made from low quality cacao butter tastes
much different and melts in my mouth differently than
high grade cacao butter. I need to know if I am buying
cacao butter that is more waxy.
Buying a chunk of cacao butter is like buying fruit. Do you just pick out the first apple you see?
The cacao butter we get that comes in this type of block is rarely oxidizes due to the lower
surface area but raises some issues with us.
This cacao butter was so pliable that I could press it with my fingers and it would
come apart. This cacao butter did not "snap" like the more waxy type but crumbled.
This was easy to cut through, kind of like slicing a piece of cheese.
The highest grade is best for the conouseur who is looking for an exact melting point when eating it and other grades
can be used in recipes where melting point and waxiness is not a concern, such as making raw skin creams and raw soaps.
Grades of Cacao Butter
Grade A Prime Lowest melting point
Grade A ( 1 1/2 degree off of Grade AA)
Grade B 1 1/2 degrees from Grade A
Grade C 1 1/2 degrees from Grade B
Hexanes help make the fat soluable so more of the fat can be extracted from the cacao bean. Many companies are selling cacao butter that have been extracted with hexanes to get higher yields.
When it comes to cacao butter, the melting points and parafin content are the factors in how it is graded. The melting points and wax content in relation to fat content is how the cacao butters are measured. Nutrition is not a factor or the "aliveness". That is why we go beyond the standard ratings and measure the amplitutude of each cacao butter we test.
High-end chocolates use the cacao butter that is the smoothest and non waxy.
Bad cacao has lower fat content and is more waxy.
Non-prime cacao butter is usually found in cosmetics.
Lower melting points are better for chocolate.
Cheaper cacao butters usually have higher melting points.
Some cacao butters melt at low temps but they have been treated with hexanes.
Some have a low melting point but are from inferior beans that are not as "alive".
Bad cacao butter has less fat content and a more. The difference between a high and low melting point is about a 3 to 4 degree difference. At 98.6 degrees, our normal temperature, 4 degrees can mean the difference between a chocolate that is hard to eat and chocolate that just melts in your mouth at body temperature.
Different cacao butters cause chocolate to melt in your mouth differently.
Our cacao butter is Hexane free and cold pressed. We only use cacao butter from the first pressing of freshly harvested cacao beans (Grade A Prime), not from the second or third pressing, prime pressed is the first pressing of freshly harvested cacao. It contains more of the higher grade fats than subsequent pressings and NO solvents are used.

Contact me if you want a sample of our cacao butter.
I offer the best olive oil I can keep in stock. It tastes "almost" as good as the bottles below.
The oil from these olives has an acidity level of less than 1/2 of 1 percent. These olives are immediately ground into oil and shipped to you. Contact me for current pricing and information on the latest olive oil.
I bought 11 of the top brands on the market and tested each one.
Colors range from clear to dark brown. Different agaves taste different and are for different recipes. For chocolate, I would want an agave with a specific brix level and pH.
The clear doesn't taste as mineralized as the darker types. Different agaves will alter the taste of my recipes. I do not like agaves with a bitter aftertaste.
Corn syrup has a very low ORP. Cooked fo
I test the pH and ORP of every agave nectar I get my hands on.
Our agave is not refined to have a longer shelf life. Refined agave is not raw and you can find non raw agaves in
many stores. Our agave does not become crystalized. The fructose and dextrose will be hydrolized. This is that
crust that appears when you let it sit out. The more it is filtered the less crust it will have. Higher quality agaves
have less of this crust. THIS IS AN EZYMATIC REACTION that happens over a period of time.
Mine has a sweet, strong aroma and no bitter aftertaste.
Our light agave nectar has the sweet and characteristic aroma of the agave plant. Our amber nectar has a sweet
and slight caramel flavor.
Contact me for pricing and availability of our agaves.
Coconut oil can taste waxy, oily, to sweet and buttery. I prefer the coconuts grown in the wild as they taste better. The coconut oil with the least amount of moisture has a higher shelf life but not as vibrant.

My coconut oil merries the flavors and ingredients foods that I make. The types of coconut oils on the market range from cold pressed, extra virgin, expeller pressed, centrifuge, & wet milled.
There are 4 official grades of coconut oil.
Grade 1 is centrifuge, extra virgin (This is the least processed and has most culinary flavors. This oil will not ferment and oxidize, which raises the acidity and loss of flavor. Remember, the more refined the oil the less anti-oxidants and healing properties it has)
Grade 2 is cold pressed, extra virgin (The meat, milk, and oil are fermented for 24 hours while the water and oil separate).
Grade 3 is expeller pressed, extra virgin (The meat is gently deoderized to remove the scent and flavor. If you don't care about taste and only care about health then get this one)
Grade 4 is made from dry coconut meat. Vitamins can be destroyed during the bleaching process.
Get a sample of our centrifuged coconut oil that we use in our raw ice creams and chocolates. Our oil is the freshest and has the strongest coconut scent we have found. Contact me for a free sample of our highest grade coconut oil. The only way to taste what we are talking about is to try it.

The best tasting hemp seeds have a buttery taste and less green specs. The specs are nutritious but if using the seeds for raw recipes, the hulls give a bitter taste. The seeds without the green specs cost much more. The hemp seeds with the greens specs are more nutritious. It's your choice, better buttery taste or better nutrition.
Contact me for a sample of either the hulled or non-hulled or both. (quantities are sometimes limited on the shelled hemp.)
Our Turkish hazelnuts taste like sweet acorns that have all the essential oils and are not shelved for months making them go rancid. Ours hazelnuts are high in unsaturated fat and oleic acid and have the strongest flavor profile of all the hazelnuts we have tasted.
Taste ours next to a non Turkish hazel nut size by side and you will taste the difference.
Contact me for a free sample.
Our macadamias are not oxidized and dried out.
Try our most exquisite, buttery and flavorful raw organic Macadamia Nuts from the Aloha-Islands!
They make a night and day difference in raw ice cream recipes. The flavor is our macadamias are
very concentrated. They are jumbo sized and have been on the tree longer soaking up the sun.
Contact me for a free sample
Our fresh soaked irish moss
Irish Moss Chocolate Cheesecake
Irish moss gives the fluffy and light texture
to our dessert.
We use irish moss in most of our dessert recipes, especially our raw macadamia nut ice cream. The irish moss is rich in minerals and a staple of my diet.
Contact me to a free sample of our irish moss.
Contact me to get a free sample of our white or black mulberries.
Black Boku raisons are the biggest raisons from central Asia and also the most expensive raisons in the world. Contact me for a free sample.
Contact me for a free sample of white chia or dark chia.

The most complete and powerful green superfood on the market. It is NOT cheap, but you would not expect that from the best. It is complex and it contains ALL nutrients required for effective body function.
This brand is known for having having the most complete set of nutrients, great source quality, and unique ways to make the nutrients more absorbable.
The taste is more bitter because of its high mineral and plant pigment content.
I choose superfoods based on mineral content, ORP, Brix, pH, voltage level "aliveness" and taste, oh, and HAY PERCENTAGE (they call it cellulose, and to digest it you would need 4 stomachs, like a cow - in your gut cellulose acts like mini razor blades).
I choose WILDCRAFTED whenever possible
NO SIMPLE DEHYDRATED VEGETABLES GREENS (for those that don't eat kale, spinach, carrots, etc. that want a
dehydrated version of this). Edible weeds from the Brazilian jungle is the staple of my superfoods.
NO sweeteners to hide tastes. Astringent is desired in wild bitter greens.
I choose DRIED over liquid
When you dehydrate even fragile plant nutrients, they become quite stable, and can last that way for many years. As long as you keep them away from moisture, they will be at full potency. You will loose some potency with the drying process, usually 10 to 20%, but that is actually really good compared to other methods. When you ship liquid supplements, they have to be PASTEURIZED - which means all enzymes have to be inactivated - in other words killed. You still have the minerals, but the enzymes are gone.
Questions to ask before buying green superfood blends:
Is it wild crafted and from where?
What % is your greens hay powder to juice powder?
Do you use fillers? If so, what types?
Is yours more green from grasses or other types of superfoods?
What is your serving size for (MY SIZE & ECOLOGY)?
Is yours bitter or sweeter?
Is your blend 100% raw? If not, what %?
Is your greens exposed to oxygen in the bottle?
How do you mill your greens? Is it milled more than once?
What do you put in your raw greens to keep it from oxidizing?

DouThis is Alfalfa Hay, the cheap stuff!ble click here to add text.
Be wary of green superfoods that are sold too cheap.
Be careful: The most expensive "retail" priced greens can be the cheapest wholesale priced greens.
Read the labels, and consider the order of ingredients.
Know that the first 3 ingredients make up the bulk of the green powder.
90% of the weight of the contents of the green powder are the first 3 ingredients.
The best fillers are apple bran, flax but not alfalfa hay (very cheap). Hey... why not just buy a whole bottle of alfalfa powder)
Those that use the best fillers use alfalfa leaf juice (all the intestinal irritating cellulose removed)
I do not like it that people think they are buying a big bottle of green superfoods that the volume is all from this hay to fool you into thinking its a big value. Alfalfa hay costs me about $3.00 per pound.
The best juice powders are the smallest in particle size. The greater its surface area, and the greater the opportunity for the digestive system to extract nutrients from it. The smaller the particle the greater need for milling and grinding, the greater the heat generated in the process. Most mass producers don't slow the process down to keep the tempurature from going over 105 degrees F in order to protect enzymes contained in the raw ingredients.
One of the reasons you won't find the type I take really cheap is because it is milled at raw temperatures which is costly and timely.
Juice powders will lose potency if left at room temperature for 30 days. Air and moisture will re-activate the live enzymes and the green powder will digest itself and rot due to the freshness. Cheap hay powders can't do this.
I wouldn't recommend anyone starting out with the most expensive one first. Trust me, it is THAT potent. If people haven't detoxed yet and then they start with the strongest formula then they might detox faster than they can handle. Use the most astringent and bitter formulas at your own risk.

What to look for in green powders...
To be sure the enzymes are active and the bottle hasn't been on the shelf, make sure you buy it the first week
of the production date and get it shipped with do not irradiate labels. Call the manufacturer or contact us and we
will notify you when new batches are made by the manufacturer.

Which is the best green superfood for you?
These questions will help us choose the right potency green superfood for you based on your ecology.
There are many different grades and we have 5 types that we consider the best.
Please read over the questions before you talk to us.
1. I eat or juice ______ lbs of green leafy vegetables daily.
a. < 1
b. 1 to 2+
c. 2+ to 3+
d. 4 or more
2. I eat ___ lbs of vegetables daily.
a. < 1
b. 1 to 2+
c. 2+ to 3+
d. 4 or more
3. I will use a green superfood as a substitute for eating greens when I am in a hurry
a. True
b. False
4. Do you make green smoothies daily
a. Yes
b. No
5. My diet is _____ % raw.
a. 0-50
b. 51-75
c. 76-100
d. 100
6. Pick one.
a. I want to try a green superfood sample to see if I like the taste first.
b. I want to try a green superfood to see if it works.
c. I want to buy green superfoods in bulk, or a years supply for a reduced price.
d. I want to use the best one even if it is not discounted.
7. I am taking a green powder now and...
a. I like it but feel I have reached a plateau.
b. I am happy with the one I am taking.
c. I would be interested in finding a better one or one that better fits my needs.
d. I don't notice any differce since my body has a hard time absorbing nutrients.
8. My ecology is proabably the type that mustard greens or dandilion greens
a. tastes bitter. I can't stand their tastes.
b. are very pleasant tasting, or neutral.
c. I never tried them
d. I eat them in salads where it compliments the taste
9. I like my green smoothies...
a. ice cold
b. cool
c. room tempurature
d. warm
e. I don't like them
10. I a green smoothie tastes bad, I will still drink it since I know it's healthy.
a. True
b. False
Contact me and let me know the answers to these questions and I will recommend a grade that I think will be good for you to start with. I will not sell the Iridesca to those that I do not feel are ready for it yet. It is the most bitter and astringent of all the

At nearly $25 per 6 ounces of this honey, this is the most expensive honey in the world.
The honey we use is crystal clear out of the hive. It is aged for 21 to 28 days. Most honey is not aged and stays liquid, forced
with a pump to filter all the stuff out, lacks all nutrition. This is unfiltered except dripped with a sieve strainer.
It crystalizes in the bee hive. Most honey crystalizes years after harvest. This is the white honey that drips at first. It crystalizes within 3 weeks. The crystalization looks like course salt. When aged it becomes smooth and has the smallest crystalization size of
all honey on the market. Why does it crystalize so fast. It has to do with its sugar values. It has the highest glucose value of all honeys. I have to use less honey to get the sweetness I want. I can make a dense, raw chocolate bar without having to add fillers to solidify it.
I eat a teaspoon of this honey every day of this wild honey by itself. It is unfiltered but screened just enough to not remove the
pollen and propolis. The flavor notes in this honey are not like anything you probably have ever had. This honey comes in very
small supply and is not sold in retail stores. When this honey is not available, I do have the amber honey by this same company.
It is just as good but has a heavier flavor. The honey is not runny like the clear and makes the best chocolate second to the clear when in season.
Contact me for availability of samples.

We tested almost every major maca brand for taste and quality.
I like maca that is sun dried and picked ripe. I cannot stand freakin radish taste that many macas have. That radish starch like taste is what I try to avoid in my recipes. The juice powders that are 100% raw do not have that starchy hay taste or you can use gelatinized maca that doesn't taste hay like either. They both have a different taste to them and you would want to make your recipes accordingly.
Maca root chips are hard and crunchy. I soak them in coconut water overnight and eat it in the morning.Whole, un-chipped maca is illegal to import into the USA.
Some maca powders are baby powder like and some are more grainy. The grainy maca has a different texture and dissolves differently in different recipes. The riper maca is usually the strongest in flavor and you don't have to use as much.

Maca juice powder is about 5 times as potent. 1 tablespoon equals about 5 tablespoons
of maca with the fiber. I don't want all of the fiber that makes a smoothie harder
to drink, then this is the one to get. It Takes nearly 42 pounds Of Freshly Picked Raw Organic Maca Roots To Make 2.2 Lbs Of Maca Juice powder.
Beware of maca that is grown in lands from soils that have grown maca in the last 5 years of your current maca purchase!!!!! Maca is a "survival" plant that will suck up all the minerals out of the soil and leave the soil sterile after maca is harvested. All the minerals in the soil will have been absorbed into the maca roots. This root grows at sub zero temperatures. It's the toughest root in the world that I know of. Maca that is grown in less that 5 years of the last harvest will not have had time to regenerate its soil. There are cheap maca and high quality expensive maca that is very mineral rich.
The maca roots are then juiced after being washed. Then the pulp is discarded.
Then it is dried and yes.... it is 100% raw.
The juice powder has no fiber or cellulose in it. That is the part that floats around and does not dissolve in your cup when you stir up ordinary maca into a glass of water. Maca juice powder tastes like you are having a glass of fresh maca juice in Peru. It is very close to that experience in every way!!
I do not eat dehydrated maca... only freeze dried maca! I get the strongest taste from the freeze dried maca. My maca juice powder does not have that radish like taste that is pungent because the fiber is gone.
The people in Peru put the maca roots in their juicers and juice it every day just like you might find people here juicing carrots and apples.
Contact me if you are interested in a free sample of our maca.