Anti-parasitic herbal potions often work by phyto-toxins (plant toxins), which target undesirable bacteria, yeast and parasites. This approach is most often only partially successful, as it does nothing to restore ideal flora populations. As a result, these sometimes expensive and uncomfortable treatments may need to be repeated over and over as symptoms keep reappearing. The only way to stop this cycle is to super-populate your digestive tract with a variety of the ideal floras, permanently crowding out the others. Antibiotics are poisonous chemicals that are known to damage the precious cells of your body, and which doctors hope will kill the germs that are poisoning you before the combination of germ-generated-toxins and antibiotic-toxins cuts you down first. Always, with antibiotics, the gentle beneficial floras are killed-off first. And always, a few of the most aggressive bad bacteria survive in the form of new more aggressive strains which eventually take over the vacated areas, and then eventually make their way out into the general human population. A person with an antibiotic-devastated intestinal flora is fertile ground for another person's super-germs searching for a new place to colonize.
Strata•Flora, on the other hand is entirely non-toxic in approach. It simply tidies up the toxic debris of the unwelcome squatters so they have no place to live, then overwhelms them with beneficial bacteria. You literally cant get too much Strata•Flora. The good guys don't build toxic mats. Any overpopulation is simply swept away and harmlessly eliminated. This being said, in the beginning, it is always good to proceed slowly with such massive change. After that you can have all the Strata•Flora you want. Strata•Flora produces fast results. People often get carried away and take too much too soon and find themselves in the middle of a royal house cleaning not previously scheduled to occupy that particular day's activities. It is unlikely you have ever tried any probiotic supplement even remotely as powerful as Strata•Flora. One bottle can easily be stretched to last 3 months or even longer. Strata•Flora has such a diversity of flora types that it is able to colonize beneficial strains literally every square millimeter of the way from the lips, mouth, teeth and tongue, all the way to the perianal area. Though not specifically designed for other uses, many delighted Strata•Flora customers even claim great success with external usage in areas of that region regarding itching, burning and yeast. Colds and Flu got those around you by the throat? Don?t wait. Take extra Strata•Flora to keep your shields at maximum! The Setting Constipation, unending colds, yeast infections and parasites become increasing problems as beneficial types of flora fade to extinction and the newer, meaner super-germs move through the human population - with each wave becoming tougher and meaner than the year before.
Who Most Needs Reinforcement?
1. Anybody who is taking or has ever taken antibiotics. Also their family members may benefit.
2. Children and the elderly.
3. Women who have experienced yeast infections.
4. Anyone who would like to optimize their body?s cleansing status to an ideal 2 to 3 movements per day.
5. Anyone who would like to reawaken a faltering or dormant immune system and help bring it back up to peak performance - The digestive tract is the place to start.
6. Anyone who would like to open up the channels of elimination as a means of disposing of excess fats and cholesterol to lose weight and support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.
7. Anyone who would like to feel great and have enough energy to make their kids work to keep up with them!
8. People who would like clearer sinuses during the day and easier, more restful breathing at night. -There is often a connection to intestinal cleanliness and flora.
9. All students of meditation, creativity and thought performance come to understand that a clean colon and healthy digestive tract make for a clear mind and happy, focused, productive concentration.
10. Anyone who has a sense of lingering hunger even after they have eaten plenty.
11. For those traveling into parts of the world where sanitation conditions are less than ideal, or for those who have small children in school, bringing home daily samples of the bacterial zoo from hundreds of their schoolmates.
12. Women who have given birth.
13. Women who are planning to become pregnant.
14. Any human who was never breast fed as an infant.
15. Anyone who has ever had surgery or been hospitalized.
16. Anyone who wishes to reduce the frequency, depth and duration of colds and flu.
Your Intestine... Is a 30 foot long hose with an inner diameter about the size of your finger. The inside surface of the intestine is not smooth as many people imagine. It is relatively deep and convoluted, like a carpet or a jungle. This part of your body could be compared to the roots of a plant where nutrients are assimilated. It is in this jungle where numerous species of bacteria and yeast cells thrive. The usual weight of the population of these creatures (or ?flora?) in your jungle is about the same as the weight of your left arm from elbow to finger tip. Some species such as acidophilus, bifidus and thermophilus are beneficial and help digest your food so you can assimilate it, and also help produce complex life-created immune factors which you wouldn't get otherwise. They also help convert common nutrients to more precious forms, like vitamins K (for normal blood coagulation in event of injury) and 13-12 for energy. Lay your lower left arm across your abdomen and imagine a creature inside of you, which is as big as your arm and eating your food, then poisoning you in return. Now you can begin to see how the health of this internal ecosystem is so essential for your own health, energy and longevity. Remarkably, this enormous population of cells is almost entirely ignored by mainstream American medicine - other than to bomb a particular runaway species like E. coli with antibiotics. Decade after decade, the good guys go entirely ignored and unsupported. This is roughly equivalent to pretending that your liver or stomach just doesn't exist. Species such as E. coli, Staff, Strep, Salmonella, Clostridium, Listeria, Campylobacter and Candida Albicans Yeast, steal your food voraciously, and then fill your assimilation forest with the toxic garbage of their waste products - eventually forming a deep, tough, putrefied mat between you and all of the nutrients in your diet. Even worse, this mat prevents your body's own metabolic waste, cholesterol, environmental toxins and heavy metals from passing out of your body and into your intestine for outside disposal. When the flora is wrong, your body goes to all the chores of gathering the trash from your cells, and taking the garbage out to the intestinal wall, only to have it bounce right back into your body. Still scarier, all waste sites have their scavengers (like rats, wild dogs and sea gulls). This mat breeds its own packs of little scavengers in the form of worms and insect-looking creatures, many easily visible to the naked eye. What Would You Do If You Could? The great news is you can leave intestinal dysbiosis behind. You can step into a new paradigm with a revolutionary strategy that is replacing intestinal illness with a life-promoting experience instead. With excellent intestinal flora and fauna cultures in your body you will experience radiant health, clear mind, abundant energy and every manner of joy, probably in less than three months.
Strata•Flora's 7-Fold Strategy For Life
Number 1.
We change the intestinal environment. We take action to soften the enemy. Let's just say that for them the weather gets very unfavorable and they had better have an ark - but they don't. They must have it dry, sticky, acidic and stable. All of a sudden we keep it wet, slippery, alkaline, and moving along. To promote regularity it is essential to physically flex the intestinal lining to loosen and clear debris from the intestinal walls. We supply Lecithin and its synergist nutrients in Strata Flora to focus on this objective - to strengthen the natural peristaltic muscle action. Plus, we do 'unspeakable' other things to them with certain herbs and nutrients that to you are life, but to them is like itch powder. "Unspeakable?" - OK, I'll tell you. For example, commonly we see all sorts of parasites in there. Some may be worms inches long, latched on by their mouth to the intestinal wall. One of our enzyme nutrients just waltzes up and decouples certain proteins, unlatching the worm's body from its head - like a train coming unhooked from the engine - and the 95% of it just falls off, out, and away. Then soon the head also dies and falls away. In not too much time, most of the unwelcome flora and parasites have either died and been flushed away - or they very badly want to leave.
Number 2
Next, instead of eating nutrient-empty food, we turn the tables on the bad guys and trick them into eating empty food. To them, Xylitol - a natural fruit and vegetable sugar - looks like energy-giving regular sugar, but Xylitol has none of the calories they need to power their existence. To them, it is like water in the gas tank. Very many of them starve to death, or at least become too tired to reproduce. Since they naturally only live a very short time, this tactic alone essentially exterminates them. By now, most of them are simply washed away or killed-off by these early changes.
But we've hardly gotten started. Now comes their real D-day. This part of our strategy is straight forward. We throw everything at them we've got. We don't play around sending in only a few troops of one or two types of beneficial flora. We send in literally billions of beneficial flora cells every day, wave after wave. And, we send in every type of good troop we've got - and we've got dozens of specialty squads. Only 49 or so of them are declared and listed, but we use complete living foods, so we send in much more than that. Our troops are uniquely skilled in self-colonization. This expensive 'superpowers' trait is not a 'given' among other flora products, so they rarely mention it. Self-colonizing means there are more and more of the good flora every day, and we just keep adding more new ones with every sip of Strata Flora. Now we have enough fire power coming on-line to actually take territory and more importantly, to keep it.
Number 4.
We keep our troops very well supplied and multiplying. They don't just take over the intestinal and colon territories, they firmly occupy all of the territory from lips, tongue, gums, sinuses, and throat, all the way to the stomach (yes, flora good or bad lives there also), all the way to the anal and perianal area, and eventually even finding their way to protect the vaginal, cervical, urethral and bladder flora territories from infection.
Number 5.
With the floodgates open, toxins are no longer building-up, but are cleansing away. The number of enemy troops has been slashed. Now our previously dazed ally, the immune system, can awaken as a giant and join us in a coalition to finish-off every last one of these 'turkeys'. Our immune system benefits greatly from special immune-synergists, enzymes, and nutrients our beneficial flora are manufacturing. With this freed-up immune capacity, the immune operatives can really get going on bounty hunting yeasts, molds, fungus, infections, viruses and parasites in every remote territory of the body.
Number 6.
Meanwhile, back in the intestine, the natural fermentation-based digestive process has been restored and has begun to properly and more completely break down the food being digested - all the way down to its ideal, fully and appropriately assimilable forms. This process is similar to how bacteria in the soil break down minerals and nutrients into a reduced ionic form so plant roots are able to take them up. In fact, some of these very same microbial strains are in our product. If you were a plant, your intestines would be your roots. It is this beneficial bacterial system preparing nutrients for the roots that is precisely why organically-grown produce has so much more flavor, vitality, and nutritional value. You should have been getting - and can now get - those same nutrient uptake/utilization benefits internally right at the point of assimilation. And guess what? A better fed immune system is a more effective immune system. And better fed cells become tougher and less vulnerable to any pest or virus that comes along. Suddenly, these enemies have no cover - no place to hide from the immune 'police dogs' on their trail.
Number 7.
A better fed body, getting the higher quality and amounts of the nutrients it needs, gradually becomes less demanding, and requires not nearly so much food. Next, it starts burning-off loads of rancidizing, free-radical-generating fat that it has been saving 'as an emergency reserve' for later. With fewer free radicals to attend to, the enzymes in your body start turning their attention to all the other fun aspects of life - like sex, joy, play, creativity, positive attitude, satisfying work, radiance, beauty, and just plain feeling great. A body that is having such a good healthy time with life isn't as likely to succumb to disease. Degenerative disease such as hypertension, coronary disease, or cancer will not come even close to your radar screen. Your body is liberated and free to become its best. The upward spiral has just begun with incredible lifelong benefits and even more positive changes ahead. Virtually everyone will benefit from at least a one bottle tune-up at the full potency of 4 teaspoons per day.
Ideally, Strata Flora at a minimum of one teaspoon a day will become an essential part of every health enthusiast's personal ongoing supplement program. Remember, your body deserves the best!
How Strata•Flora™ Works
First, Strata•Flora helps balance the water content of food moving through the intestine, then it applies lecithin (your own body's natural detergent) to begin to dissolve away the undesirable deposits. As Strata•Flora hauls away the garbage, the inflamed jungle of your assimilation and elimination cells, once suffocating underneath the waste mat, comes back to life and begins to thrive. With the toxic mat dissolved and gone, the vast bulk of yeast, bad bacteria and parasites have no place to hide, so are simply swept away and eliminated for good. Then Strata•Flora massively overruns the remaining undesirable species with overwhelming numbers of 17 types of beneficial flora. One type for each niche of the different parts of the jungle. With each enemy cell overrun with 50 beneficial cells, and then more that just keep arriving and arriving and arriving, day after day after day - and reproducing themselves in even greater numbers, there simply isn?t enough environment to go around - And so the undesirables are crowded out. New undesirables arriving on every breath and in every bite of food, suddenly find themselves in good guy convention town? with NO VACANCY signs flashing everywhere with blinding brightness. Then as a final blow to any would be intruders, we have found a special grow food for the beneficial flora which turns them into supermenperforming at 5 times their normal level. This phytonutrient is called fructooligosaccharides (or FOS) a sort of complex carbohydrate-fiber. It is found scattered throughout fruits and veggies in your diet, but super-concentrated only in Strata•Flora. It keeps the good guys well fed, plentiful and strong, and it isnt helping the bad guys at all. - Perfect! Ongoing, regular Strata•Flora usage at moderate levels helps keep the intestinal flora portion of your health equation supertuned to peak readiness levels. Strata•Flora Probiotic Cultures Pleasant tasting and easy to use: Simply stir 2 level teaspoonfuls of Strata•Flora into fruit juice or water. Best if taken 20 to 40 minutes after a light meal when transit time is fast and digestion is depleted. Or use a small amount with every meal. It is best to begin with a 1/4 teaspoonful serving the first day and increase by 1/4 teaspoonful daily until full serving amount is reached. Drink plenty of distilled water. After an initial one months use, you may desire to continue with 1/2 to 2 teaspoonfuls daily as an ongoing maintenance program. Strata•Flora offers an entirely unique strategy for optimal intestinal flora. It utilizes non-centrifuged (colonizing) cultures (as opposed to non-colonizing types that must be continuously replenished). It employs the 17 most sought after strains. Only the hardiest, digestion-surviving, temperature-resistant cultures are used. Each of these strains of beneficial microorganisms has its place in the digestive tract environment - converting nutrients, producing natural immune factors + vitamins B-12 & K, etc. Beneficial flora crowds out undesirable organisms such as candida albicans, clostridium, salmonella and E.coli. Each serving of Strata•Flora also contains a full gram of NutraFlora? (FOS) Fructooligosaccharides, a naturally occurring fruit and vegetable carbohydrate. At this level of intake FOS has been shown to help decrease undesirable organisms and to create a fivefold increase in desirable flora. KEEP COLD After opening, Strata•Flora will lose about 5% activity per month at cool, room temperatures or about 2% per month if kept frozen. Strata•Flora Is Unique StrataFlora is great with kids. Beginning as early as when they are done nursing and begin foods, a pinch of Strata Flora can be added to their food or liquids. For children 2 years to teens, larger amounts can be added to nutrition shakes, and fruit smoothies - or even stirred into yogurt. Pleasant tasting and easy to use: Simply stir 1-2 level teaspoonful of Strata Flora into juice or water. Best if taken 20 to 40 minutes after a light meal when transit time is fast and digestion is depleted. It is also beneficial to supplement each meal with a small amount. It is best to begin with a 1/4 teaspoonful serving the first day and increase by 1/4 teaspoonful daily until full serving amount is reached. After an initial one month's use, you may continue with 1/2 dosage as an ongoing maintenance program. Strata Flora utilizes non-centrifuged (colonizing) cultures (as opposed to non-colonizing types that must be continuously replenished). It employs the 17 most sought after hardiest, digestion-surviving, temperature-resistant culture strains. Each of these strains of beneficial microorganisms has its place in the digestive tract environment - converting nutrients, producing natural immune factors plus vitamins B-12 & K. Beneficial flora crowds out undesirable organisms such as candida albicans, clostridium, salmonella and E. coli. Each serving of Strata Flora also contains sufficient amount of NutraFlora® (FOS) Fructooligosaccharides, a naturally occurring fruit and vegetable carbohydrate, to help decrease undesirable organisms and to create a fivefold increase in desirable flora. Once you start using Strata Flora, you will look back on the decision as the day your health took a quantum leap forward. It may even make all the difference - because a positive experience of life or health may not ever be possible without first effectively addressing this aspect of your health. Can You Leave All This Behind? Antibiotics indiscriminately kill-off good flora as collateral damage along with the targeted infection. Rarely does the good flora ever recover from this assault without corrective steps. Gangs of harmful bacteria, candida yeast, mold, fungus, and parasites aggressively take over the territory and virtually drive out the weakened remains of beneficial types of flora. The typical diet of chlorinated water, cooked meat, processed dairy, and sugar-rich, processed, low-fiber, low-enzyme cooked foods only make the situation worse, and adds more fuel for the unwelcome guests. These dangerous, health destroying microbes typically nest in a thick putrid and rotting layer that is lining the intestines. These evil creatures eat your food, steal your nutrients, and cause nutritional deficiencies. Then they poison you with their carcinogenic and toxic waste. They do this to keep you run-down and your immune system weak and ineffective. This manifests as sort of a "perpetual cold or fatigue condition" and "foggy mental depression" that lingers on and on over the years, draining away life and energy, and promoting every manner of horrible symptoms, aches, pains, diseases, and premature signs of aging. Chronic constipation and intransigent obesity are virtually a given. In the intestine with out of balance flora there is an almost total disruption of the healthy digestive process. This digestive anarchy causes food to rot and putrefy. The stools become hard, dry and carcass-smelling. The stagnant stool, rather than cooperating with the body to carry away toxic fluids, forces the body to drink back the toxic liquids as it extracts its much needed water. Eventually, every cell in the body comes under this toxic-acidic, low-oxygen, high ammonia environment - like a gasping fish laying sideways on the surface in a fishbowl where the water has become oxygen-starved and saturated with their own excrement. The kidneys and skin go into crisis mode and sacrifice themselves in an often futile attempt to deal with some of the toxic overload. Soon, this back-up of toxins infiltrates the enzyme and nutrient nursery and command temple of the liver. A hopeless-feeling downward spiral has begun with tentacles choking and depressing every aspect of life. Many people have never known what it is like to genuinely live pain free and bubbling over with joy, energy, ambition and radiant beauty. Their chronic run-down condition has become the only experience they know. They live in a paradigm where, "This sort of dysfunction is to be expected as one grows older" and where, "Diseases and ailments 'just happen' and the only way to address these crises is to add toxic chemical drugs" - to shut off the signaling systems in a body already buckling under toxic overload with pain killers.
Our researchers found that a premium green superfood along with the intestinal cleansing by increasing their potency and enhancing their health benefits. Iridesca offered the most health benefits of any other on the market. In fact many of the participants in our research reported feeling their healthiest and having a noticeable boost in energy.