Your Wholesale Raw Foods & Equipment Connection
Things that you might consider doing:
Get rid of your microwave
Get rid of your pillow (As a symbiotic rawfoodist, we can fall asleep in any position. We don't have mucus drainage & do not have positional intolerance. The pillow, just another prophylactic, is one of the biggest scams ever invented. If you must get a pillow, we have found one that we think is the best in the world. We recommend these pillows.
The best is their dual valve pillow. Most people that have a bad back or neck love their products. I personally own their seat cushion. I use it as my car seat cushion. I also take it into the movies or any event where I am going to sit a long time. They are expensive but amazing.
Reduce need for stress management
Get a deep tisssue massage. If it feels good, thren you might want to find out if you are water malabsorbant.
Watch people in the following places:
- going into and out of grocery stores.
- health food stores
-fast food restaurants
-vegetarian restaruants
-nature parks or trails
-in traffic (Listening to soothing music and having a good air ionizer will reduce the need for stress management.
Other things to do.
Eat Rice.
Eat Tofu
Eat olive oil
Eat a pomegranate ( a test to see what your ecology is like)
Eat table salt
Take a handful of rice or tofu or any of these items and slowly chew it.. It won't take long as your mouth is warm and full of saliva. Gently slowly soften it up by chewing it. This proves we are not designed to eat this. You will understand what we mean after you chew it. Just don't add soy sauce to the rice. That would be cheating!

At the supermarket, a handful of raspberries or blackberries can cost $5 or more. But why pay those premium prices when you can harvest baskets of these flavor-filled berries for fresh-eating, jams and desserts right from you own backyard for about $10. These grow fast and each plant lasts a year. If you want information on where to get a starter plant we can help.