Your Wholesale Raw Foods & Equipment Connection
Before you read any further about sugar, you might be shocked at what you see in this video.
If you thought white sugar just came from sugar were wrong!
White sugar is NOT vegan.
Ever wonder how they bleach the sugar to make it white?
Well, you are about to find out.
If you like candy bars, you might want to enjoy your last one.
This video will instantly stop your sugar addiction!
Wanna know where it comes from?
It is made from COWS...COW BONES.
Click the cow bones to learn how sugar is REALLY made!

The Cashew Fruit and Nut
We always thought that cashews grow on trees like other nuts, but were delighted to discover that they grow out of a fruit that called "Cashew Apple" The apple is tasty, but a little astringent, and the locals use it to make all kind of drinks, including liqueur. The nut is inside a toxic liquid that can only opened safely after it is dried. This is done by applying heat. After this, the but itself is in a papery cover called "Teste" that can only be removed by heat again. The heat that is applied make the nut hard, as it is originally in a gel like state. By the way, the toxic liquid in the shell is used to make brake linings, and varnish among other industrial uses. We concluded that cashews can not be a raw food. You will find many recipes that include cashews in them, and you can do like we do and replace them with Macadamia Nuts or Pine Nuts. Some merchants sell "really raw" cashews, and we are not familiar what is the process that is used to process them.Â
This is a cashew tree. Notice the poisonous barb on it.
Read below to learn why cashews are bad for you.
Fact: Almonds are a member of the peach family.
(As of September 2007, raw almonds will be ILLEGAL). Buy and stock as many as you can or email us if you want contact information on a good source to buy almond trees. They take 2 to 3 years to grow and give about 50 lbs a year. Plant as many trees as you can. It's always better to be self sufficient.
Click the link if you want to know why raw almonds will be banned.
It’s time to talk about raw almonds again…so, it seemed recently that the law to pasteurise all almonds in the States had gone through…talking with friends in Chicago recently however, we were handed flyers with information on how we can ALL act now to try to turn this situation around. The rule is due to go into effect on September the 1st, 2007. The idea is that we act NOW to contact US Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns to let him know why raw almonds are important to us and we do not want to see them pasteurised. If we do not act NOW to turn this around, it may literally never be possible to purchase raw almonds in the US again…and it may even open a floodgate for similar laws requiring pasteurisation of other foods…eeeeeek ;) no thanks…so, please take a few minutes NOW, for you, me, all those we care about and all those yet to come, to preserve access to truly raw foods. Here are the contact details for Secretary Johanns:
Email: Phone: 202-720-3631 Fax: 202-720-2166
Click the bowl of almonds below to see what will happen once they become illegal.
Please take a few moments now to compose an email to Secretary Johanns – even if it means just copying and pasting the above (with your own name ;) – every message will count at this point to get the message across that we don’t want to lose access to raw almonds… :)
Fact: The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a
chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

The next time you buy bulk raw organic nuts why don't you see how many of them float or sink when you soak them.
Join our Rawfoods Tele-chat and you will learn tips like this and more. This is a free service we offer to the public.
For the best resources on any foods you see please email us a request for a list of the suppliers we use or get our newsletter for our continuously growing resources list.Â
 I refuse to eat a fresh, non-frozen durian.
I know there are many people who have never eaten a durian and many who can't afford to eat them.
I refuse to eat a fresh one since I know if I did I probably wouldn't enjoy the frozen ones as much.
My favorite food stories are about durians. The first time I ate durian I put it in a little container, hid it in my jacket, and brought it with me to eat at the movie theater. Well, just before I was done, the lights came on, the management directed everyone to the emergency exit doors, then the fire department came, then I saw police, then ambulances, then the theater manager was giving everyone raincheck passes to come back to see the movie another time. Now I see why they are illegal to eat them in hotels.

Edited due to our distributor restrictions...If you want to learn more come to our FREE Tele-Chat. Education only. Nothing for sale.
We have learned that sprouting is bad for you in the automatic sprouters. Due to our distributor we cannot mention the names but they are the ones with the automatic watering system that makes sprouts with water only without soil. This is very dangerous especially if growing wheatgrass. They fail to tell you what you are really growing. They fail to tell you about how growing sunflower sprouts or buckweat sprouts or wheatgrass in these automatic sprouters that grow from the misted water is dangerous to eat and lacks what you think you are getting. They fail to mention the Brixxe' level is severely restricted. They fail to tell you many things that we cannot say. Please call us if you want to hear the unbiased truth about why we do not sell these dangerous machines that rawfooders ask us for. Our staff would never touch a sprout or wheatgrass that was grown in one of these machines. We urge anyone that wants to buy a sprouter to call us. We do NOT sell them and are not trying to sell you one. We used to sell them before we learned the truth. Don't fall for the scam!
When you grow sprouts it should be natural. In nature they grow in soil. We grow ours in a thermophillic soil (soil that we make that naturally gets up to 150 degrees due to all the natural bacteria proliferation).
The soil you buy in stores might not have the bacteria in the soil. (Most people try to put kelp or some mineral solution in their electric sprouter. This is just for minerals...not the bacteria...what a joke!)
The baby sprouted greens that grow in nature where they are naturally "wild crafted" have a super strong reproductive energy. The ones in an electric sprouter....well...just think about it and it is easy to figure out?
The best way to grow sprouts is in a Vertical Garden. It is made by Sundance. If you want one of these let us know. The best soil to use is the organic soil you can buy for around 5 dollars for 20 lbs. If you want to learn how to make your own thermo-phillic soil that is alive with aerobic bacteria we can teach how we do it. Ask to book a consultation with Sandy if you want to learn.
Do not misunderstand what we are saying about sprouting. We are not saying that they are good or bad. We know something that we need to share with rawfoodists. Call us at 1800 578 6988. Most people do not buy a sprouter after hearing what we have to say. I have no doubt in my mind that I cannot convince you that you should not use a sprouter for these type of sprouts.
To those that want to start growing sprouts who want high Brixxe value sprouts or who want to use thermophillic "base" soil to start making their own soil.
Bioavailability of Soil Minerals
Growing your own baby greens? Perhaps you have considered the impact soil ecology has on the mineral content of your harvest.
In order for soil to be biodynamic, it must be heavily populated with beneficial soil bacteria. Soil bacteria break down the sand and gravel in soil releasing the minerals. You cannot buy this in a store.
These mineral colloids can then be transported by other bacteria to the tiny hair like feeding roots of plants. The plants draw the minerals along with billions of tiny pilot organisms into their systems.
Of the 102 minerals available in rich soil, certain baby greens are capable of mining up to 95. This depends on growing conditions to some extent but the main determinant of the mineral content of raw plant food is the concentration of diverse microscopic bacterial organisms in the soil.
I am considering making small amounts of carefully cultivated flora rich humus available for the first time. It can be used as a 'starter culture' for those interested in crafting their own soil.
This will produce plant foods with the wild crafted qualities absent from domesticated cultivars.Â

Bananas (You might not want to read this if you plan on eating bananas ever again)
Here are the reasons bananas are the worst fruits you can put in you body:
They are very dampening in the body and unless you are outside in hot climates they will make your body retain water. Their glycemic index is so high that raises your blood sugar way to fast. I tend to want the juicer foods. They are almost always picked green. When picked green it doesn't allow the phytochemicals and nutrients to mature. This can only happen when picked tree-ripened. The trees are also injected with steroids. They are a genetically man-mad fruit. Bananas are highly hybridized. They have lost their ability to reproduce. They are actually a hybrid from a plantain. They are very addictive. 1/6 of total produce sales in North America is from bananas. Go to a grocery store and you will see bananas in almost everyones cart. They are the starchiest fruit in nature. They are mucous forming and if someone has asthma I would hope they know not to eat them. I only eat fruits that have not lost their ability to reproduce. I do not eat hybrid fruit. Do research on hybrids and you won't want to eat them either. It's just best to avoid bananas if possible.

Wheat and corn constitute the bulk of American grain consumption and both should be avoided for those interested in wellness and life extension.
Wheat contains a sticky substance called gluten. It is the stuff that makes bread rise by forming little balloons filled with carbon dioxide released by dying yeast organisms. Now doesn't that sound appetizing?
The gluten itself besides being a nutrient poor glue substitute poses no particular problem. Gluten does contain an indigestible problem protein called gliadin. It is the protein of the endosperm of the wheat berry, the engine that gives the seed sprouting energy. Even though we are not able to digest gliadin, it is so small that in enters the bloodstream anyway as if it were sugar, salt, casein protein from milk, etc. Once gliadin has entered the bloodstream, our immune system must respond as an undigested protein is always interpreted as a pathogen. So we mount an immune response that can last for three days or so sapping our energy and producing symptoms of allergy. Most Americans are so used to the array of allergy symptoms from food insults that they have accepted them as a normal part of life not realizing it is their food that is making them sick and tired most of the time.
Gliadin is a problem for millions of Americans. Many don't even realize gliadin is making them feel bad most of the time.
Corn is another grass seed and one of the most modified grains around. Besides the high sugar content of corn a fresh ear, on the stalk, may contain about 25 different mold species. With all that delicious sugar around, the mold organisms are sure to have lots of offspring once they have entered your GI tract.
Processed corn products (anything made from corn meal) are loaded with mold. It is a situation rivaled only by peanut products.Â
Eating corn provides you with a terrific infusion of mold organisms. This could explain why sugar occupies such a prominent place at America's dinner table. You see, the favorite food of mold is sugar and once they have established healthy colonies within the small intestine they know just how to get you to feed them-torture!
Wheat and corn are 50 cents a pound or less retail! Do you really want to put this kind of fuel into your priceless temple?Â
Wheat and corn are two grass seeds nobody needs to eat.
(The glutinous grains are wheat, oats, barley, rye, kamut, & spelt).

Protein gets way too much attention in our nation because of the abundance of human carnivores we have generated. Protein fixation is a commercially driven mentality that is more distraction than harm. You see, meat really doesn't sell all that well unless it is pushed-just like milk.
High Brixxe value leaves, any of the super algaes such as chlorella and the nutrient dense immature grasses are capable of providing you with all the protein you can use.
At least 90% of the diets of the largest muscle mass creatures on Earth consist of green leaves. Add to this a little fruit, a few seeds and plenty of bugs and you might be able to bench press 4,000 pounds like a lowland gorilla.
It is easy to get plenty of protein from a frugivorous diet. Animal foods are not needed for protein-they are mostly fat anyway.
As long as we get the 8 essential aminos, the flora in a properly functioning small intestine is capable of transmuting the other 14. This is sometimes referred to as biosynthesis. There is no need to become preoccupied with reading nutritional data to determine the presence/absence of this or that amino in a given food.Â
Learn instead to trust Nature and relax into calm meditative visceral functioning. We all need to get the caffeine, excess glucose, cortisol and adrenaline out of our bloodstreams so that we may continue to evolve consciousness. This is the way it was meant to be.
The more sugar any whole food contains the more likely it should be isolated from other foods by a space of time-even other sugary foods. Thus, we have the concept of mono-fruit most have heard mentioned.
The only food that is acceptable to eat in any amount with sugary whole foods is green leaves.
Green leaves may be eaten in any amount with any other whole food without ill effect.
Green leaves may provide a buffering effect against the poor combining of other foods.
You can really get tangled up with complex food combining rules-.or you can just up your intake of green leaves and not worry too much about food combining.
Of course, if you eat an outrageous amount of sweet fruit you will be able to ferment your hiking boots. Stay sane when it comes to sugar, even if it is from a natural whole food source.
Pasteurizing is cooking (mutilating)
Mutilating food destroys the negentropy (divine order) built into the structure of food
Non-organic dairy cows commonly suffer from mastitis (inflammation of the udder) resulting in the presence of white blood cells (pus) in the milk
Antibiotics are injected just above the infected teat and that one is not milked until normal color returns. The practice results in antibiotics leaching into the milk from the other teats which continue to be milked.
Dairy cattle are often sunlight deprived resulting in nutritional deficient milk. Vital solar information is missing from the milk of sunlight deprived cattle.
Nutrient deficient milk may also contain unacceptable levels of lactose (milk sugar) which could partially explain its addictive quality.
Milk contains indigestible casein protein which may harden the intestinal linings of children under the age of two leaving them marginally absorbent of other vital nutrients.
Milk products contain casomorphins (morphine-like substances) which may be extremely addictive possibly explaining the disproportionately large ice cream industry.
Americans are getting wise to the dairy deception. There were 22 million dairy cows in our nation earlier in the 20th century. Today there are about 9 million. Could this signal the probable future of this poor food choice?
(Also.. on a side note... i do not eat mushrooms either. Fungus conflicts with the aerobic metabolism that I try to maintain).
Here is a little tip you should always remember and never forget when going to the grocery store.
Conventionally grown produce have 4-digit numbers starting with 3 or 4.
Organically grown produce have 5 digits starting with a 9
Genetically modified (GM) have 5 digits starting with an 8
Never buy produce that starts with an 8. Just look for 9's to be sure you are getting organic. Sometimes
you will find conventional fruits or veggies accidentally mixed in with the organic. This happens a lot at
big health food stores so just read the numbers to make sure you are getting what you pay for.
 Pesticides: Strawberries have the highest amount of pesticides. They are very pourous, which have tiny holes in its outer membrane. Avocados have the lowest. Many people choose diets and foods that they absolutely hate since they think it's healthy. We choose foods we love and that love us back. Pesticides get absorbed into the fruit and washing will not help, even with a fruit and veggetable spray.

Green foods: Reduce or, better yet, eliminate prepackaged foods. Buy in bulk and store in your own containers and reusable bags.
Greener foods: Join a local Community Supported food co-op (click here), which provides you monthly with raw organic bulk foods. You'll cut the pollution that comes from transporting food vast distances to different locations, while promoting the ecofriendly farm-to-table concept
Greenest foods: Start your own local food co-op by getting your friends and family together to make one big purchase to save the most money possible and least amount of packaging.
We urge everyone to try the superfoods we eat.
They are:
1. Rasberry Seeds (Freshy ground) or the kiwi seed, concord grape, strawberry seed flour mixture.
2. Camu Camu
3. Fresh Maca root (Don't buy it powdered, buy the root)
4 Algae
5. Barley Grass
Email us if you want to find places in your area that carry them. We do have distributors that will give you a discount if you mention our website.

The 10 second blending technique: Blending should take no longer than 10 seconds on its high setting to get the phytochemicals out. If your blender can't do this then you might want to see our kitchen page.
 Pineapple: Not only do I eat the core, but I eat the stem. I do not blend the flesh as it gets too foamy. I only eat the stem near the top of the pineapple. The stem has an abundance of the enzyme "bromalain" and it is released in a 3 to 4 HP blender. It has so many enzymes that if you eat it with food it will start pre-digesting your food. Watch our video on pineapple here. Pomegranates: they have more phytochemicals and anti-oxidants than any other fruit besides the acai berry. Seseme seeds: I do not eat the white seseme seeds that most people eat. I only eat the black seeds. They are about 5 times as expensive but way worth it. The white seeds have around half the minerals and nutrients as these do. You can make black tahini. Imagine putting that in your hummus. Black hummus. Yum! Rasberry seed flour: I have friends that are sick and I give them organic rasberry seed flour. All it contains is the seeds extracted from rasberries without the fruit part. A blender can do this but you can get the powder much cheaper tnan buying 20 packs of rasberries and doing it yourself in a 3hp blender. I tell my friends who have a serious health crises or major health concern to use this.
What will a grocery store look like if we took over?
We should all be responsible for producing at least some of our own food. Even if only a small percentage of the total, the exercise of producing or harvesting your own food changes the way we believe about the things we consume.
Many have entrusted the entire responsibility of food production and distribution to the corporate entities that now dominate these industries. This has led to the mass marketing and food preservation techniques we see in the modern grocery store.
Only the produce and meat sections contain food which could be loosely considered fresh. Much of the time the bulk of the foods found in those sections is far from fresh.
Some day, when enough of us awaken to the benefits of living food, the farm to market imperative will strengthen. Freshness will be demanded and the food industry will respond.
All forms of processed and precooked food will disappear from market shelves. The meat section will contract. The grain based macrobiotic philosophy will dissolve. Bakery departments will close down. The deep fryers will go to the dump.
The smell of fresh greens and fruit will spill out into the street attracting the highly tuned pallets of the healthiest people on Earth. The highest quality nuts and seeds and their related oils will occupy a prominent position in the store.
The paper and plastic industry would be cut way back as most of the folks would bring their own net or bag to carry their groceries and all the packaging would be cut way back. Oh, and the word "cook" would become something more likely used when talking about irregularities.
Avocados, olives, figs, macadamia nuts, almonds, cucumbers, tomatoes, choice greens, mineral rich sweet fruit and on and on. This is the way it was meant to be. We will do it!
If you want to tell us what your version of a grocery store should be we would love to hear your opinion. Email us at
More about what is wrong...
Most of our tastebuds are sooooo messed up, our neurotransmitter are sooo confused from
all those additives and preservatives, and don't forget the media who says one and then the other, but
all they want is your money.....People are undernourished and eat more than ever before,
dehydrated from drinking gallons of pops, and accustomed to have cereal w/milk for breakfast, fast
food for lunch and another hot meal for dinner. But they are still hungry. This journey is for someone who
wants to listen or who's fallen soooo deep, he or she is screaming for an alternative. Have u ever thought
about this - who says not to eat a salad in the morning, soaked grains(cereal) and Nutmilk
for lunch and a smoothie for dinner. Who? We are all accustomed to something... Heritage, Likings, Culture,
etc. Why not eat whatever and when you want it? Because you have been told so, that certain foods go
for a certain time of a day. Does that make sense?Â

Be wary of green superfoods that are sold too cheap.
Before I started selling green powders, I used to go to the store and look for the most expensive powder.
I was paying $79 for a pound of the green superfood powder at the time. Now, years later, I find that as a dealer I can
buy the same $79 dollar container for $35 wholesale if I buy a case. And, on top of that, if I buy 100 cases I can get 25%
off that price which brings it down to around $26.
This makes me wonder what the real cost of the ingredients. I figure that the company has to double their money so it reall costs 13 dollars, not including the labels, shipping costs, taxes, etc.
Now, based on all my research I wouldn't be surprised if it costs them 5 to 7 dollars to produce this green powder.
I now have done enough research to know that some companies list all these fancy, expensive ingredients but only put a pinch or two of it in with the fillers, such as alfalfa (there are different grades of alfalfa also), apple bran, flax, etc.
The first 3 ingredients make up the bulk of the green powder and I would say 90% of the weight of the contents of the green powder are the first 3 ingredients. Call any manufacturer and they will tell you the same.
An acidic diet can use up minerals from the bones when people drink soda (acid pH of 2.8). The body has to balance this out by leaching minerals from the bones (calcium, which has an alkaline pH to balance the acidic soda).
Scam 1: Many companies use alfalfa hay and grind it up in the product and still list it as alfalfa in the ingredient list. We could use alfalfa powder (our cost $3.00 per lb) or we can get organic alfalfa leaf juice (our actual cost $12 per lb) (all the intestinal irritating cellulose removed..
The powder, that we COULD USE also would make the volume of the green powder go up which fills the bottle up so it looks like you are getting more product but its really just the cheap stuff added. $3.00 per lb is what the cost is. If you are paying 40 to 50 bucks.. you can assume that 80 to 90% of the contents in the container costs them $3.00. The alfalfa juice we use is freshly freeze dried within hours of harvest. This is the stuff we use and it costs $12 per lb.
Fillers: Mass produced blends are often rich in one in one or two ingredients and have just a pinch of everything else. This bothers me more than anything and I feel like I have been scammed for years. The ultimate measure of the quality is hidden in the manufacturing process. The smaller the particle size of the dry powder, the greater its surface area, and the greater the opportunity for the digestive system to extract nutrients from it. The smaller the particle the greater need for milling and grinding, the greater the heat generated in the process. Most mass producers don't slow the process down to keep the tempurature from going over 105 degrees F in order to protect enzymes contained in the raw ingredients. WE DO. (This is the reason why ours is so expensive. (Our wholesale price for co-op members for our best one is around the retail price in stores for the ones that are similar to our cheapest one).
Ours is so fresh that if you leave it at room tempurature for 30 days it will lose its potency. If you leave ours at room tempurature for 30 days it will lose its potency. Air and moisture will re-activate the live enzymes and the green powder will digest itself and rot due to the freshness.
I wouldn't recommend anyone starting out with the most expensive one first. Trust me, it is THAT potent. If people haven't detoxed yet and then they start with the strongest formula then they might detox faster than they can handle. Use this one at your own risk.
What to look for in green powders...
1. You want to make sure the enzymes are active. Order ours the day after they are bottled then freeze them and
you won't have it sitting on the shelf like most stores sell to you.
2. Small particle size. Our green powders are smaller in particle size than any other one that I have found.
3. Our greens are grown in prime places. We don't just buy the cheapest wheatgrass powder we can put into it. There are different grades.
4. Ours have been made sine 1984.
5. We chose wild crafted or highest quality cultured products.
We offer 5 grades of Dehydrated Green Concentrates:
We have very cheap ones and we have green powders that are super expensive without all the fillers that the cheaper ones have.
Take our questionaire below if you want us to recommend one. We rarely recommend our best one since it can give detox symptoms quicker than the body can handle.
Below are the 5 superfoods we get the most requests for.
1. Iridesca is a full spectrum green food. This must be stored in the freezer. This is the flagship formula.
This is the most expensive green superfood powder on the market.
2 RAW Superfood Grade Hemp Seed Protein with plant nutrients and amino acids: For muscle building & tissue strengthening. This Canadian hemp seed powder has added enzymes for an extra boost. This is the best tasting hemp protein powder we have tasted. 100% raw and organic. Superfood grade. Has protein synergists which most don't have. I get a lot of my protein from this brand of ground up hemp seed superfood.
3. Red rasberry seed powder: (Contains Ellagic Acid) For prevention or crisis nutrition. We don't recommend if you have no health objectives or concerns. This has an added 700 mg of blueberry, kiwi, concord grape, cranberry, strawberry, & blackberry seeds. This is packed with phytochemicals. I add this to almost all my fruit smoothies. You can also use the rasberry seed powder by itself. Two tablespoons of this powder is equal to 1 cup of rasberries. It is less expensive to get the seeds in its powdered form than to buy rasberies and get the same seeds. The seeds last about a year when kept cool. Putting a scoop of seed flour gives me tons of energy. This is not a supplement either. It is just ground up seeds.
4. Premium Green Superfood powder: This is the one most people buy to start. I do not recommend buying the Iridesca as it is too potent for most people with a poor ecology. It may stir up more toxins than your body has nutritional support to dispense with them. People tend to take this one until their ecology gets better or until it is appropriate for them to take the more potent green superfoods.
5. Flora supplement:
The condition of your flora, or instestinal bacteria, is pivital for optimum health. Simply put, bad flora eats your nutrients before you do-and eventually eats you-and then poisons you with carcinogens and other wastes in return. Worse yet, they create multi-pound rotting layer of dead cells where they nest and thrive. This tough goo blocks nutrients from being absorbed, and keeps toxins inside your body. Fecal liquids are reabsorbed and cycled over and over again resulting in their victom being irregular, fatigued, pasty-complected, and just plain sick. This is a "wide spectrum" SBO (soil based organism). This works syngergistically with "aerobic bacteria". We have a different supplier for this as the SBO supplier doesn't carry this but they have the best SBO on the market.
Many people have never known what is is like to genuinely live pain free and bubbling with joy, energy, ambition, and radiant beauty. Their cronic run-down condition has become the only experience they know.
Above are the only supefood supplements we approve of and offer: We do not sell them but can refer you to a resource that has them. Email us for the reference list.

Which is the best green superfood for me?
This questionaire will hell us determine what potency to recommend. There are
many different grades of green superfoods. We carry 5 which we consider to be the best.
1. I eat or juice ______ lbs of green leafy vegetables daily.
a. < 1
b. 1 to 2+
c. 2+ to 3+
d. 4 or more
2. I eat ___ lbs of vegetables daily.
a. < 1
b. 1 to 2+
c. 2+ to 3+
d. 4 or more
3. I will use a green superfood as a substitute for eating greens when I am in a hurry
a. True
b. False
4. Do you make green smoothies daily
a. Yes
b. No
5. My diet is _____ % raw.
a. 0-50
b. 51-75
c. 76-100
d. 100
6. Pick one.
a. I want to try a green superfood sample to see if I like the taste first.
b. I want to try a green superfood to see if it works.
c. I want to buy green superfoods in bulk, or a years supply for a reduced price.
d. I want to use the best one even if it is not discounted.
7. I am taking a green powder now and...
a. I like it but feel I have reached a plateau.
b. I am happy with the one I am taking.
c. I would be interested in finding a better one or one that better fits my needs.
d. I don't notice any differce since my body has a hard time absorbing nutrients.
8. My ecology is proabably the type that mustard greens or dandilion greens
a. tastes bitter. I can't stand their tastes.
b. are very pleasant tasting, or neutral.
c. I never tried them
d. I eat them in salads where it compliments the taste
9. I like my green smoothies...
a. ice cold
b. cool
c. room tempurature
d. warm
e. I don't like them
10. I a green smoothie tastes bad, I will still drink it since I know it's healthy.
a. True
b. False
11. I believe a green superfoods have the potential to replace _____ % of green vegetables in my
a. 10% to 30%
b. 31% to 50%
c. 51% to 75%
d. 76% to 100%
12. Do you consider a green superfood as a supplement.
a. Yes.
b. No.
Email your answers to and put "Green Superfoods" in the subject line.
Wheatgrass Scam
Why must wheatgrass be juiced?
Because humans do not have the digestive ability to process grass, we can only benefit by breaking down the strong cell walls and ingesting the juice.Â
 From Grasses and Weeds
While not so pleasant to the taste buds, fresh young grasses and green edible weeds have a much greater healing
potential than the vegetables commonly used for juicing. In particular, they are higher in their content of life force
and enzymes. Instead of working hard to maintain a big vegetable garden, I believe it to be easier and healthier to
let a large part of the garden overgrow with suitable grasses and edible weeds. An additional advantage of young
grasses is the short time and minimal care required to grow them as compared to growing vegetables.Â
You can harvest grasses in two to three weeks compared to several months for vegetables.

o find out which weeds are edible, ask a knowledgeable friend or neighbor, or observe what goats and poultry
are eating, or chew a bit of a leaf yourself. If it is not bitter, it is not likely to be poisonous, and anyway, there
are no poisonous grasses. For a very healthy juice, many people use grasses, green weeds, and the petals of squash flowers;
flavor with an apple, beet root, and carrot.
Juice made from young and fresh blades of cereal grass is most beneficial for usl. These young blades have the highest
vitality and are rich in enzymes and growth hormones that are missing or at low levels in mature plants and leaves,
as well as in elderly humans. Kirrlian photography reveals that the vitality of leaves starts to diminish soon after
cutting and that most of it is lost within hours, though if refrigerated in a closed plastic bag it may be kept for a day.Â
Most nutrients will still be available from commercially dried and powdered grass, such as green barley grass
(commercially available), but young fresh grass juice has a much higher vitality. (We do sell fresh grass juice shipped frozen on dry ice)
Best known is wheat grass, but I contend that all fresh, young grass grown in good soil can have similar healing and
rejuvenating qualities, though the flavor and toughness may differ greatly. Barley grass grows more vigorously
than wheat grass and tastes good. Young Rye grass (not the cereal rye grain), grown by farmers as pasture, has
a pleasant flavor and can give you several months of repeated cutting from one planting.
Experiment with different varieties of grasses to see which grow best in your climate and soil conditions, and find
one you like. When using lawn grass, the main requirement is that it to be grown in good soil without the use of
pesticides or chemical fertilisers; preferably fence off part of the lawn for this purpose. Often there is some foam
on top of the juice, especially with grass juice. This foam is high in chlorophyll and beneficial, so ingest or rub it
into your skin.
I find wheat grass juice somewhat too sweet on its own and prefer it blended with other grass. As barley grass
does not taste sweet, it may be better than wheat grass for individuals with blood sugar problems. Normally,
however, it is good to mix the seeds of wheat and barley and grow them together in the same garden bed or tray.Â

In cool climates, it may be difficult growing grass outside in winter, while in the tropics it is sometimes difficult in
summer because it is either too hot or too wet and cereal grasses easily start rotting at the stem. In the city, it may
not be possible anyway. In these circumstances, wheat grass or barley grass can be grown indoors behind a
window or on a balcony or verandah in seed boxes.
While grass juice provides a high amount of easily digestible protein, as well as vitamins and minerals superior quality,
even more important are enzymes, growth hormones, and other vital factors, including coenzyme Q10 and
superoxide dismutase (SOD). In animal experiments, old rats were rejuvenated and chickens grew 15 percent faster
with fresh grass, but not with other supplements. Many patients attribute their cure from "incurable" diseases to the
generous intake of grass juice. Juicy grass pulp is excellent onwounds and speeds up the healing.
Grass juice has been shown to inhibit mutagenic and carcinogenic activity. This inhibition was stronger with wheat
grass juice than with carrot or parsley juice; it has also been reported with barley grass juice. We need hormones
not only for growing taller, but also for cell division, skin and tissue replacement, and wound healing. In growing
older, we become deficient in growth hormones, and those found in grass juice can help us rejuvenate.
Most animals live on grass either directly or indirectly. It is the perfect food, not for only grazing animals, but also
for humans. The juicer replaces the complicated cellulose digestion of grass-eating animals. I regard grass juice
as the food with the greatest healing and rejuvenating potential; it could even sustain us during famine.
How often should I drink wheatgrass juice?
Taken as a preventative, an ounce a day may be sufficient. Therapeutically, effects have been experienced by taking three to four ounces per day. Juice should be taken on an empty stomach one hour before meals. Â
How are you going to grow "high Brix" wheatgrass?
You can have the best seeds, the best environment, but if you don't
know how to do it, then the mineral content will be low and you will
be wasting your time. Thermophillic wheatgrass is the best.
I would never grow wheatrass in an automatic sprouter.
Rawfooders call me up all the time an tell me that they grow their grass
in one of these Sprouters without soil. Yea... it's easy but WHERE ARE THE MINERALS?Â
Growing Thermophillic wheatgrass is the most symbiotic way to grow grass.
We don't try to come up with our own ways...we grow it like it would grow in nature.
Otherwise, wheatgrass, like grown in a sprouter, will be just another cultivar like
brocollii, spinach, or any other vegetable that is sold in stores that is not symbiotic.
Grass is the most mineral abundant food on earth.
Grass is our food. A symbiotic rawfoodist does not eat cultivars.
Grass is cheap and doesn't take a second job to afford to eat it.

I doubt the wheatgrass grown in most juice bars are grown thermophillically.
If you want to to learn how to grow thermophillic wheagrass and not waste your time growing it like many people
who don't understand the way we understand nature, you might enjoy our tele-conferences that teach how we
grow our wheatgrass.
We do NOT sell wheatgrass seeds but know sources that have the best quality.
We know about places that sell cheap seeds and those that sell the best, Heirloom seeds.
The seeds are so cheap relative to buying organic produce in the stores that it makes sense to
buy the most expensive seeds, especially if you are a co-op member, and get our discount we get.
We do not sell soil but we can teach you how to cultivate the best soil to grow wheatgrass based on your ecology.
If you want to start growing wheatgrass you might want to know what type of grass will fit you the best.
Just go to a juice bar and you will see people holding their noses and chasing the wheatgrass juice down
with juice or water so they won't gag.
(Isn't that a good enough reason to NOT drink that wheagrass)
Based on your current ecology, there are many ways to grow wheatgrass. Most people buy a good wheatgrass juicer and start growing the grass
and we often follow up and we find out that their wheatgrass juicer is in their garage or they tried it once and they "just couldn't stand the taste" or it made them sick. Sure, I don't blame them. If wheatgrass tastes bad, then I wouldn't drink it either.
Wheatgrass can be grown to taste mild or super bitter or super sweet. Based on ones ecology, one wheatgrass might taste bad in the beginning but once their ecology changes, that bad tasting wheatgrass that made them sick at first might actually appeal to them when they have the 3 to 5 lbs of aerobic bacteria and their ecology has changed.
Goji Scam:
Many of the Goji Juice distributors and sales people around the globe, working within the pyramid structure of the MLM, have constructed many different web sites on the internet which only serve the purpose of influencing the results of search engines (like Google and AltaVista). These sites and pages use combinations of words such as “Goji Fraud� and “Goji Juice Scam� to lure and lead people to other sites which in turn sell this “miracle juice� or otherwise contain a lot of positive-spin propaganda. It is clear that in many cases these pages only serve the purpose to hide and overshadow other material published about Goji Juice and the multi level marketing system that comes along with it, which makes it difficult for people to find neutral or less-than-positive information on the internet regarding Goji Juice. This manipulation of search engine results aims to hide pages carrying facts other than those offered by the distributors and sales people.

 Many pasteurization plants use ELECTRIC FENCES with a
lock-down mechanism in order to keep people from finding out what
exactly it is they are doing there in the warehouse.
Before the main component of the juice reaches the bottling plant for processing it is first harvested, which includes both the “fruit� as well as the weeds and plant debris that are contained in barrels for a while where it is said to rot to the point of fermentation. Around that time it gets shipped by sea at which point the nasty mass of it is enough to make your stomach turn inside out, from the smell alone if not the sight. The heating and flash pasteurization at the processing plant are used to combat several key problems with potassium levels and yeasts. The contamination with bacteria and microbial side effects were normally dealt with under quality control.
If you saw how the pasturization process works... you would never want to drink this type of juice ever again.
Goji juice is lacking many of the health benefits of the berry itself when bought in bottles.
There is a reason why some gojis tast better. It's about the region they are grown and the climate, soil, etc.
Think twice before buying a tree from us. We no longer promote goji trees.
Goji Berry Trials…
We can send you a sampler of each goji berry when we have them or you can take our quiz.
The cheap ones taste good to some people that don't know the difference.
I personally eat the best ones since I know the difference.
The berries taste different in different peoples' mouths.
Some people like them chewy and dry...some like them moist and sweet.
Some people don't want much sugar and just want them for the mineral content.
Some people want to bake with them and don't need perfect quality.
Some people are doing something else with them and don't care if they have bug bites on them.
Take the quiz if you want our recommendation...
1. I want my goji berries
a. Sweet
b. Semi Sweet
c. Not sweet
d. Don't really care. I am eating them for nutritional purposes only
2. I want my gojis
a. Dry
b. In the middle
c. Moist and juicy
d. Don't care
3. Which is the most important statement for you?
a. I want my goji berris to be...
b. A high Brix and high mineral content
c. The best tasting I can find
d. Bitter if it means it has more minerals and anti-oxidants
4. I want my gojis to be
a. RED, as close as to the color when they are freshly picked
b. More on the pink side
c. They can be slightly on the brown side
d. If they are cheap, I don't mind them having bug bites.
5. I am interested in growing my own berries
a. True
b. False
6. If I am growing my berrries, I want (answer only if applicable)
a. The seeds and I can start from scratch
b. A goji plant and I will try to grow the berries
c. A plant that almost has berries growing on it
d. A full plant with berries already on it.
7. I want to buy goji berries...
a. in bulk to get the cheapest price
b. just a pound or two
c. a small bag just to taste them to see if I like them
d. in very large quantites for reselling
8. I am a
a. health practitioner and want to offer these to my clients
b. a rawfood chef and want to use them in my recipes
c. a consumer and want them only for myself
d. a consumer and want to get a cheap price for myself and my friend and family

Watch this video to see if the person can pick out the $400 per lb vanilla bean, the $80 per lb variety, and the cheap $25 per lb types.
Yes, after talking to my vanilla bean customers, over half of them have been scammed!
BEWARE: There are vanilla bean scams out there and if you don't know the differences between
all the varieties you could be overpaying and getting totally ripped off. Well, the reason I have a whole page on vanilla is because I was PERSONALLY one of the buyers that got ripped off.
I will see to it that nobody gets ripped off after reading this page or calling us.
The main beans are Bourbon, Tonga, Mexican, Madagascar, and Tahitian.
One Tahitian vanilla bean variety sells for $25 per lb and
another Tahitian variety sells for $400 to $800 per lb.
There is a good posibility you can get scammed if you don't know your beans.
All of the beans pretty much look the same.
Depending on what you are looking for, you can get beans ranging in price from
$6 per lb (these are the ones that are the cheapest that many stores sell for $25 per lb)
and you an buy beans that sell for $600 per pound that are bursting with flavor.
Usually, the best beans are reserved for the very rich who can afford it.
An example of this is like buying agave nectar. You can get the freshest press direct from the cactus
or you can get the type that you buy in the stores. Most people cannot afford to buy the "aqua" colored
agave. Most stores don't sell it since they make too much money on the cheaper agave nectar that costs around 5 dollars for 24 oz.
There is a difference between the cheap vanilla beans and the most expensive, premium beans that are rare. We can get them all. We can let you buy a sampler packet with 1 of each bean we carry. We will give you a price (we will not make any money on this sampler) just so you can try the beans and see if you can tell the differnce between the dirt cheap type and the ones that retail between 400 and 800 dollars per pound.
You will not know which are which but they will be numbered. After you taste them, you will tell us which bean you liked the most.
If you want our vanilla bean expert to answer your quiz, please fill out the below quiz. This will help us decide which bean you might like the best. So far, we have never had a complaint about the beans we have sold based on the quiz. The only time we had angry customers was in the beginning when we bought several hundred pounds of the cheap beans since we didn't know anything about vanilla. We had customers demanding us to let them return them. The other customers that liked them used them in in a way that it didn't matter if they were cheap. Some made candles out of them, some soaps, some ice creams, and most people put them in raw almond milks or other raw foods.
Since it was our first time eating vanilla and we didn't know that there were better ones for our purposes, we just thought they were good. Well, it was better than using vanilla extract, anyway.
But, now that we know what beans are good and bad, we don't recommend any beans to anyone. Everyone has a different ecology. Some people don't notice a difference between the cheap ones and the expensive ones. And, some vanilla enthusiasts know the difference right away.
If you have a bad ecology and used to eating tons of processed foods you might not even get enough enjoyment out of the expensive one to make it worth the money but you might not like the cheap ones and you find out that you like the beans somewhere in the middle.
This is why we give the sampler.
Each type of bean has different uses.
 If making smoothies, and you have a 3hp blender, you might want the cheapest ones.
You might not even care if the beans are not perfect or they have bends or tears in it.
Some people want the 8 inch beans that have more seeds in them and some people just want the 5 inch beans.
We DO have the best pricing on vanilla beans since we don't even touch them.
We know the growers and they do NOT lie to us about their quality.
The best way we can describe the vanilla beans in terms of quality is....each grower has the best beans in their price range.
We do trade out our equipment and do rawfood coaching with many growers so we get a better price than most stores. And, our vanilla bean suppliers ENJOY giving us their best price because they like what we do. We pay them slightly more than other stores for the same beans but we get the hand picked, freshest beans. If you want the $400 dollars a pound per bean and you want to be sure they are all good then you found the right place. You don't have to worry about getting a pound of beans and lookinging through them and saying to your self, "this bean looks better than that bean" or "I wish all of these looked like this one or had as many seeds in it as this one".
If you have read our website you will see we are fanatics on the items we approve of and sell.
A final note: If you want the cheapest beans, do not expect them to have the flavor characteristics as the best ones.

Don't be fooled by the vanilla spider. It will deceive you into thinking it is the best vanilla bean but you won't find out until you bought them and can't return them.
Vanilla is the world's most labor-intensive agricultural crop, which is why it's so expensive. It will take up to three years after the vines are planted before the first flowers appear. The fruits, which resemble big green beans, must remain on the vine for nine months in order to completely develop their signature aroma. However, when the beans are harvested, they have neither flavor nor fragrance. They develop these distinctive properties during the curing process. When the beans are harvested, they are treated with hot water or heat and are then placed in the sun every day for weeks-to-months until they have shrunk to 20% of their original size. Beans can be sold raw or cooked. Â
 Take this quiz and we will have our vanilla bean connoisseur help you pick out your beans. We will NOT sell beans to anyone without
 knowing what their needs are and without taking this quiz. We have not had any returns on any beans since we have put up our quiz.
 1. How raw do you want your vanilla beans.
 A. 100% raw, green, I will do the curing
 B. Sun Cured, 100% raw
 C. Slightly boiled
 D. Cooked, it doesn't matter. I'm not eating them. 2. I want beans with the most seed content
 A. Yes
 B. No 3. I want my vanilla beans to be only ORGANIC.
 A. Yes
 B. No.
 C. I don't care as long as I don't know the difference. 4. I will be using my beans for
 A. Mainly raw nut milks and other raw foods
 B. Ice creams and processed foods
 C. Soaps, perfumes, candles
 D. I want a multipurpose bean 5. I do want to buy co-operatively and I will
 A. I want my beans shipped today and just need them for myself
 B. I will find a few friends to help me place a bigger order
 C. I want to actively get people and give you an even larger order
 D. I will pre-pay and can wait until you get all the orders you need to get in order to
 place your large volume order so I can get the same discount you do since I need a large volume. 6. I want the cheapest vanilla beans I can get and (answer only if applicable)
 A. I dont care if they are bent or slightly torn
 B. I don't care if they have insect bites on it
 C. I don't care if they are slightly molded since I am not eating them.
 D. I don't care if they are slightly unripe and even brittle.
 7. How raw do you want your vanilla beans.
 A. 100% raw, green, I will do the curing
 B. Sun Cured, 100% raw
 C. Slightly boiled
 D. Cooked, it doesn't matter. I'm not eating them. Â
 8. I want beans with the most seed content
 A. Yes
 B. No
 9. I want my vanilla beans to be only ORGANIC.
 A. Yes
 B. No.
 C. I don't care as long as I don't know the difference.
 10. I will be using my beans for
 A. Mainly raw nut milks and other raw foods
 B. Ice creams and processed foods
 C. Soaps, perfumes, candles
 D. I want a multipurpose bean
 11. I do want to buy co-operatively and I will
 A. I want my beans shipped today and just need them for myself
 B. I will find a few friends to help me place a bigger order
 C. I want to actively get people and give you an even larger order
 D. I will pre-pay and can wait until you get all the orders you need to get in order to
 place your large volume order so I can get the same discount you do since I need a large volume.
 12. I want the cheapest vanilla beans I can get and (answer only if applicable)
 A. I dont care if they are bent or slightly torn
 B. I don't care if they have insect bites on it
 C. I don't care if they are slightly molded since I am not eating them.
 D. I don't care if they are slightly unripe and even brittle.
 If you want a free sample see our free samples page.
Maca Scam
How Do You Eat MACA?

Traditionally in Peru the root is eaten like a potato, boiled and used in pudding, jams and drinks. In the West, MACA is available in capsules but it has not been validated at this dose. However, MACA is available as a high-quality affordable powder, for use in drinks and or cold, or as a tasty pasta.
MACA is available as a powder that can be conveniently added to your daily diet.
As they have for at least 10,000 years, Andean Indians from infants to grandparents, still thrive by consuming Maca almost every day in its many locally prepared forms. Maca is grown at extraordinarily high altitudes in mineral rich and chemical-free soil. The tuberous plant also benefits from the purest air, sunlight and rain in the world.
The herb's primary effect is on the body's endocrine system. This incorporates every gland in the body: the hypothalamus and pituitary govern the hormonal output of all other glands (the pancreas, adrenals, the thyroid and the ovaries in women and the testes in men). This translates to relief for women from symptoms of PMS and pre-and-post-menopausal problems, heightens the libido, increases the sperm count in men, fertility for women. In large measure, Maca eliminates the need for women to rely on drugs to replace depleted hormones.Â
Maca does not replace it restores your hormonal output!
It is well known that with increasing age, diminished hormone production can result in dramatic changes. Cellular aging appears as a decline in vitality, changes in skin tone and a loss of energy and vitality. It is important to understand that Maca does not replace your hormones. It works by nourishing and rejuvenating your endocrine system, restoring your ability to produce your own. Â

Nuts are best bought in their natural state. Buying this way guarantees less food contamination and chances of nuts not being rancid that will pass the "float test".
First I need to uncover a major scam in the nut industry. A cashew is NOT a nut.Â
Cashews require heat to take it out of the super hard shell.
Requirements for the nuts we sell
1. Kernels should be free from any deterioration likely to affect the natural keeping quality of the nuts and make them unfit for human consumption. They should be:
 * Sufficiently developed and ripe,
 * Clean, practically free from any visible foreign matter,
 * Free from living or dead insects, whatever their stage of development,
 * Free from visible insect damage, mites or other parasites,
 * Free from mould or rancidity,
 * Free from adhering shell liquid or testa,
 * Free of any foreign smell or taste.
When you buy nuts, you want to make sure they have a high moisture content and they have not been packed away
and frozen which will lower its ORP (oxygen reduction potential) due to oxidation.
If you don't trust your source, I would make sure the nuts have a 5 % Maximum defectiveness rate.
If you want to easily test them yourself, buy a pound of the nuts of choice and soak them.
If 10% or less float then you have a good source.
Watch this video to see an example of floating nuts that have gone bad.

If you buy "RAW" cashew butter you might be getting not the pure white cashews but
the "scorched" nuts that have been burned. You might be getting the "baby butts" or the
little pieces of cashews that they can't resell since they are not whole. Usually, these are the
first to turn rancid and have low nutrient content since they have oxidized.
Cashews are roughly divided into three groups: white whole, white pieces and scorched grades.
The best cashew, and the most expensive, are the the ones that are between 120 and 180 kernels per lb.
If you ever have wondered why the split cashews are cheaper and the pieces are the cheapest, now you can see why.
The more the cashew is split or into bits, the more rancid it can be and the less nutrients it can have.
White pieces
A kernel broken cleanly across the section of the nut.
A kernel which has broken down the natural line of cleavage to form a cotyledon.
A kernel which has broken across the section but does not qualify for a butt and is above a specific size.
Small pieces
As above but smaller.
Baby bits
Very small pieces of kernel which are white in colour.
Scorched grades
Whole kernels that have been slightly scorched during the process but are otherwise sound. These are not graded according to size.
Butts that have been scorched.
Splits that have been scorched.
As for pieces, but which have been scorched during processing and contain all but the very small pieces.
Email us if you want to know the best source for raw organic nuts
Just like cashews, peanuts are not nuts either. They are BEANS. Nuts grow on trees, not underground.
What makes the best nuts?
The best nuts are...
1. Sifted out of the bunch and are hand graded
2. Not broken into pieces and not rancid
3. Have a low moisture content and not humidified and rehumidified...less processed from the tree
4. do not have mold growth
5. have not been steam treated
6. have not been cross contaminated from non-food sources
7. stored at cool tempuratures
8. fresh
9. made with care
10. fair trade