Wholesale to the Public
Your Wholesale Raw Foods & Equipment Connection

Don't get scammed at the grocery store!
Just because it's organic doesn't mean it is nutritious. We
often find conventional oranges that are more nutritious
than organic oranges that costs 3 times as much!

"Perhaps you should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables," said the doctor...

-and the dentist...

-and the osteopath...

-and the chiropractor...

-and the surgeon...

-and the nutritionist...

-and the herbalist...

-and the acupuncturist...

...and the ophthalmologist...

-and whoever...

"But they don't taste good," say the children...

-and your spouse...

-and your friends...

-and YOU!

Well, that's because the food isn't that good. Everyone is certainly telling you the truth. So, what could the answer be?

The answer is to identify and purchase the higher quality food your body is craving---it tastes better. If you're a grower, the answer is to GROW better food---for you, your spouse, your children, your animals, and not least---your customers.

Our Brix Tele-Chat is meant to help you see right through the ocean of misinformation put out by food manufacturers and the sellers of debased agriculture. Another purpose is to empower you with the ability to make wise choices about the very substances of life. We teach how to use this Brixxe meter to test the nutritional level of foods. Just drop a little juice in it, then look into the prism and see where the line crosses).
A brix meter is an instrument containing a prism that measures the concentration of an aqueous solution by measuring its refractive index. All water-based solutions can make light bend. The bending of light increases at a rate proportional to the increasing solution concentration. The hand held Brixxe meter is a precise optical instrument. Its characteristics are small, light, take only a few drops of solution to use and is very user friendly. These are used throughout the food, agriculture, chemical and manufacturing industries. Analog and digital meters are among the finest optical instruments in the world for measuring the nutrient level of foods. These sell for under $100 and will tell you if one orange, for example, has more nutrition than another orange. Some apples have 5 times the nutrients as an apple with a low Brixxe level. This meter can tell you how ripe a fruit was picked so you won't be deceived into thinking it is ripe just because the fruit sat in a room of chemicals to aid the ripening process. Apples are usually picked unripe and they sit in nitrogen chambers for up to 9 months during the off season. Then the rooms are injected with lypene gas to make them turn red. Don't be fooled!

  * Produce CANNOT gain minerals (increase in QUALITY) after detachment from the mother plant or the soil. 

  * Ignore vendor's comments about produce somehow ripening into better quality. Particularly ignore vendor's signs reading SWEET.. You now have the means, by using a a Brix meter, of determining true quality. You'll never be fooled again by their cry of "Sweet!" 
Food---real food---is grown on rich and fertile soil. Removing crop after crop, year after year, rapidly depletes the soil. Simplistic replacement of the NPK (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium) does NOT replenish the soil and only leads to the sad insipid excuses so commonly stacked high on supermarket shelves. On the other hand, balancing the soil---fully mineralizing it to an ideal state---allows the production of fruits and vegetables of superb flavor and taste---fit for royalty: YOUR family.

There are farmers out there who know how to do the job right. Demanding the very best helps them. This meter can help lead you to the topnotch growers already doing the job. On the other hand, countless consumers armed with a measuring tool and saying, "I don't want your sad fare" will wake up the supermarkets. The produce managers will then wake up that majority of farmers who are still sleeping.


This meter works on the principle of light bending when it passes from air into water. Due to dissolved sugars, minerals and other nutrients in fruit and vegetable juices, they are denser than water and bend light more. The amount light bends is measured in degrees "Brixxe". There are values of degrees Brix for each fruit and vegetable ranging from poor to excellent. The excellent level generally gives the plant immunity to disease and insects, and creates health in animals and people. These plants also have increased frost resistance, and improved storability because they will dehydrate rather than rot.


Our juicing technique is based on proven spectroscopy which determines the elemental composition off the nutrients.

Nutrients can double depending on how they are juiced or extracted. You can no longer be scammed with this meter.
I've seen stores sell these for as much as $30 for ones like this one up to $300 for digital ones.


Babies are born with the ability to detect four tastes (sweet, sour, salty, and bitter). Those four, along with the sense of smell, are provided to help guide our young toward the proper food needed to develop to maturity (and to remain healthy).

Sadly, many babies are sent on a lifetime journey of confusion. The child at the table is often told, "eat it, it's good for you." Young as he is, the child knows the food tastes bad (or has no taste), but must eat it to avoid starving. Oft times sympathetic (and loving) parents add butter, sugar, or salt to induce the child to eat what the child's senses clearly tell them isn't proper food.

Far too often the child will mature into an adult with a mangled sense of taste molded to such as sugar, salt, and artificial flavors. Frequently, unless intervention occurs, the now-grown child will, in turn, ignorantly distort the instinctive taste abilities of their own children.

Food manufacturers are driven by the profit motive. They will continue to seek cheaper ways to produce "food." This generally means they will use lower quality flavorless food and try to improve its non-flavor with those sad low-cost adulterants: sugar, salt, and artificial flavors. Older readers may well remember the WWII phrase ersatz food. The term referred to the attempts by German chemists to create "food" from industrial byproducts such as sawdust. These created products were destined for ordinary people in the occupied countries. Meanwhile, the higher quality farm output in those same countries was earmarked for Nazi consumption.

Medical texts claim that taste ability declines as people age. That may be true in an absolute sense, but almost all older people report that HIGH BRIX food tastes wonderful. Possibly, the reported loss of taste only applies to artificial flavors and other adulterants.


There is a simple process where YOU can test quality at the point of sale. There is a way to test a small sample of any given produce and then make a fully informed decision. YOU decide if that produce is what YOU want to feed yourself or your family. We test all of our produce before we buy. Once we know we can trust a source we don't have to keep testing it.


You can easily get a drop of juice from most soft fruits, but some vegetables require a sturdy garlic press. Extreme cases require crushing pliers---and rarely---a blender. Understandably, juicing enthusiasts find this the easiest step.

  * YOU, not some scientist in a lab coat, can test the food you want to buy. 

  * YOU can determine QUALITY at the point of sale. 

  * YOU will gain back a little control over YOUR life. 

Please take readings immediately after getting the juice drop. If the juice dries on the prism, it will give a false reading.

However, only HIGH QUALITY produce dehydrates. HIGH BRIX produce ADAMANTLY RESISTS ROTTING IN STORAGE! Check this claim yourself by testing and storing HIGH-BRIX fruit or other produce. Those dried fruits with a low BRIX level usually has preservatives added, otherwise, the dried fruits would rot.

The above statement always comes as a shock to a lecture audience. The typical consumer has been conditioned to expect fruits and vegetables to decompose. That is why I must repeat the above sentence: good food will NOT rot in storage. Please, please, check this claim yourself by testing and then storing HIGH-BRIX fruit or other produce in your refrigerator, or even on a windowsill.

Once you depart your current thinking and enter the poor-food-rots / good-food-doesn't paradigm, everything you learn in our BRIX tele-chats will make sense.

Our basic BRIX Theory chat will cover many issues concerning the nutrient levels of food. We have advanced classes for those that understand the basic theory. 
Still growing

You wouldn't eat these before they were done growing, would you? If not, then why would you eat a fruit before it was tree-ripened. Get a meter and you will never be fooled again into thinking foods are ripe.
Now, before you buy your fruits, you will know which companies have a track record for having the most nutritious produce.
Bugs don't even mess with high BRIX foods. High BRIX plants do not attract any insects or bugs.

Plant disease and insects eating the foods you grow are symptoms of the sick plant itself. not the cause of the sick plant attract bugs.

Many people buy bug sprays and pesticides but to naturally keep off the bugs from eating the food why not just grow high brix foods.

But, you won't learn about this because there is a LOT of money to be made in selling you all the pesticides and produce with lower brix values.

It is very expensive to grow higher brix foods but it is way worth it. We have a brix coach that can even test your soil sample and teaches people

how to grow high brix foods that you would nearly get if you were eating wild foods grown in nature wiith the highest brix value.

Brix coaching now available:

You don't know that you don't know until you know!

Eating orgainc doesnt guarantee that you are getting a higher Brix level.

When you buy peaches do you notice sometimes the pit splits....do sometimes rasberries or strawberries get moldy and sometimes they don't. Do you know that the real purpose of bugs is to eat the bad, low BRIX level plants and leave the healthy plants alone.. Now why do we kill these bugs if they helpful? Money, money, money...that's why!

Before you buy fruit or vegetables you should know the etheric levels and its biodynamics which is very easy to do.

Sprouts grown in an automatic sprouter have a very very low BRIX level.

The foods are measured in BRIX levels. Most foods have 4-6 which is poor. 12-14 is good.

14-18 is excellent. 18 to 30+ is rare but obtainable.

Vitamins and minerals are exponentially abundant the higher the BRIX level.

You can eat 1/3 less food on a high BRIX level diet and still get the same nutrition as eating 3 times as much food.

The higher Brix level the higher the bio-availability the phytochemical and nutrients in the fruit or vegetables. It makes no sense to eat low Brix level foods. It's a waste of money and energy to eat these types of foods. I wish most rawfooders knew about this and how they are scammed into thinking that just because something is organic it is good for you.

A master Brix coach can tell you how to find the Brix level in each food. His name is Charles and he has spent his lifetime reseaching rawfoods and varisous eccentric information and searching for health scams. 

 Ultimately, if ecology is aerobic & villious lining is not clogged up you will not be mal-absorbant and you will most likely naturally eat the foods that are best for you.
You will then be naturally attracted to high BRIX value foods.

A BRIX meter will also give you the BRIX level of juice. Next time you make a juice with many vegetables from a juicer take a drop of the juice and measure its level. Also, you might want to take the Brix level of juice that was blended with the pulp in a 3hp or 3+hp blender.

Just take the drop of juice, put it on the prism, close the cover, and then look through the viewing end and see where the meter tells you if the juice is between 0-32 degrees Brix. It works similar to how a pencil apears bent when placed in water. The Brix level is directly related to the richness of the juice. The richer the juice the more the light bends.

Why don't insects eat high Brix fruits and vegetables? Well, since a high Brix plant emits a superior spectrum energy than the low BRIX plants, insects will eat the plants with the weakest emanations. Insects have specialized eyes that see in this range and always go for the weakest species of crop. A Brix meter simulates the way insects see with their eyes.

As a consumer, the best way to make sure you are getting high nutritionally dense foods is to get a meter and educate yourself on how to use it with your foods. It is tough at first to find higher Brix food. The families interested in higher quality foods will often pay more for higher BRIX. They will often learn where to mail order and buy the best foods from regions who have the highest BRIX. You will know which local fruit stands are the best and you will realize that driving to a farm in the country is worth the extra drive.

 For those that drink milk, you might also want to test its BRIX. Milk with a BRIX of 15-17 tastes much better than the ordinary 10 BRIX sold in stores. This might have something to do with the urea content of the milk. Overfeeding can cause "accidental" urea to spill in the milk.

 We hope you will not continue to believe that when you go to the store and pick up an organic fruit that you won't still think that they are all the same. They don't want consumers running around with BRIX meters that will let them know that the produce they are selling is inferior. Don't forget, these are probably the same people who think that just your taste alone will make you think their produce is good.

Don't be fooled by sweet "tree ripened" fruits into thinking they are nutritionally dense. Just because it is left on the tree longer it may build excess sugar accumulation but might not be nutritionally dense. Adding sugar to fresh lemon juice to make it sweet doesn't do anything to raise the juice quality. So, don't think that just because it is tree ripened that it is better.

Animals in nature always choose the feedstuffs that have a higher BRIX over low BRIX. Once you try a high BRIX tomato, for example, you will never want to go back to a low BRIX tomato.

Today, the average tomato that grocery stores sell (often a hydroponic tomato grown in a greenhouse with a brix level around 3) will look like a tomato but is tasteless and has no aroma of a fresh picked tomato. Many people are so used to eating low quality, low brix foods that they don't even know what really tasting high brix food even tastes like, so of course they are not complaining because they don't know the difference.
There are food in the grocery store that we would give a rating of a D or E. It rots really quickly and manufactures have to spray it with chemicals so it can get from the farm, on the deliery trucks, and finally to the store, and stay at your home until you eat it.


When they consider food excellent quality, what they really mean is that it "looks" good and "stores" a long time before consumption. Remember, it is often all about money for them. I believe they do NOT want anyone to even be aware of what a brix meter is. Most people think it is normal to eat foods with a D grade or below.

I need a grade B or above to make sure I am getting all of my nutrition. This is the reason why I supplement my diet with high mineral superfoods that I now am letting everyone know about...and, I sell them at co-op dealer cost. The reason many people don't eat superfoods is because they are too expensive. I pay around $6 for the cheap goji berries and around $12 for the premium, mineral rich variety of goji berries. I sell them at this price to my members. What is funny is that when I get calls from goji dealers and they tell me their gojis are the best. I just tell them to send a sample and I test the brix myself and then I can tell if they are lying or not.


High brix food is much more expensive than cheaper, low brix foods. It can cost 2-3 times as much in stores for the same amount of food. If you are buying at co-op dealer cost, the price of the expensive foods, even at my wholesale cost, is going to cost you about what the really cheap foods retail for. If there weren't so many middlemen involved in distributing high brix foods then it would be affordable. I love getting Grade A and B foods for the same price as the Grade D and below. I am thankful for all the suppliers I have that look after me.


It is sad when people go out of their way to eat vegetarian or bring fresh salads to work while everyone else eats fast food. These people that think they are doing something really good for their bodies are actually just eating low brix foods which is better than eating fast food but nowhere near as healthy as eating the type of highly mineralized foods that we eat. Hopefully, everyone will start using a brix meter to test the foods they are buying so that they can pick the brands at the grocery stores that they can trust.  
Tips on buying produce:
# CITRUS: Top quality citrus has five points at the calyx (stem end).
# CITRUS: A thinner rind indicates HIGHER
# STONE FRUITS: A split pit indicates poor quality and mineral insufficiency.
# PEARS: A boxy shape is better.
# GRAINS: Dry grain QUALITY is relative to unit weight, i.e., if you weighed bushels of 2 equally dry wheats, the heavier bushel is HIGHER QUALITY. For instance, top quality wheat from mineral-rich soil can be 70+ pounds per bushel. On the other hand, mineral poor wheat can be as little as 60 or less pounds per bushel. The grain elevators pay meaningful premiums when they can find higher quality wheat or other grains.
# JUICES: Have your restaurant juice served over ice. HIGH BRIX juice will not taste watery.
# VEGETABLES: A natural waxy coating is good. Packers, processors, and stores try to duplicate this effect by mechanically waxing poor quality vegetables.
# VEGETABLES: Any hollowness indicates a mineral deficiency (probably boron).
# POTATOES: Sunken eyes signify lower quality (probably short on manganese).
# ANY ITEM: Slime or mold can be washed off the surface, but it has grown throughout the item. Reject such food. Remember that high BRIX produce will not rot in storage, therefore rotting in storage is a sign of poor quality.
# ANY ITEM: Bright pure color, whether in cut flowers or cut watermelons suggests higher quality. 
 What is the BRIX value of YOUR apple?


  * Try to obtain a sample of anything you wish to buy, but be warned that 90% of produce on retail stands will test POOR or AVERAGE. 

  * Of course, you should offer to pay for the sample. If you have rapport with the owner, you can ask if you can test the produce in their presence. 

  * You are a buyer. You should have the right to select your purchases by means other than simple appearance. 

  * Many consumers are conditioned to buy, whether they wish to or not, once they take a sample. Perhaps you should let the meter guide you to a "Thanks, but no thanks" when it indicates poor or average produce. That's what we do.

Of course, you may (and probably will) decide to buy a considerable amount of any produce that tests either GOOD or EXCELLENT.

However, you should never judge (nor "label") someone's produce as POOR or SO-SO. Simply tell the clerk that you are looking for "higher sugar." Fruit stand operators have feelings, too. Remember that you are a consumer, not an arrogant inspector. And please remember that you have no desire to "punish" the stand operator for all the years of poor produce you have endured. You are trying to open channels so that you can get BETTER fruits & vegetables. Yes, you want this person interested in your special needs.


Let the operator examine your instrument if they wish. Let them verify your readings. Ask how they select what they buy at the wholesale market. Ask if they can pick HIGH QUALITY produce out of a pile by its heft (a few experienced operators can). Many operators will be fascinated with your instrument. Some may offer to buy it. They may quickly grasp how it could help them get better produce at the wholesale level where they buy.

Don't be surprised if a stranger notices you testing and asks what BRIX you are seeing as you peer. Discreet BRIX testing may be going on all around you.



  * Ask for the produce manager.
  * Tell him the information you want and what you wish to do. 

  * Offer to share the information you obtain. 

  * Grocery stores have a satisfaction guarantee. Suggest to them that you are trying to decide your satisfaction at the store instead of waiting until you get home. 

  * Do be discreet and not disturb other customers. 

 You will start using your meter timidly. You will think that identifying HIGH QUALITY food could not be so simple.

Then, as you become experienced, you will learn that it really is so simple. For instance-

You will put back the watery, tasteless, low BRIX tomato.

You will smile at the vendor's "pretty" string beans and ask when he expects to get good tasting beans.

 You will insist on a small sample of melon or pineapple...or forgo buying, because you are tired of taking low quality melons and pineapples home.

You may sometimes buy marked-down items, or some of the 'canning' peaches because your test proved them HIGHER QUALITY than the 'picture pretty' produce. You will begin to expect HIGH QUALITY produce and you will start getting HIGH QUALITY produce.

You will get HIGH QUALITY produce because you will be able to identify HIGH QUALITY.

With practice you will casually get the test-drop and only quickly glance in the viewfinder. You will rarely be fooled. Some buyers actually have the vendor give them a drop of juice to test. You will teach your children---and their children---how to select proper food.

You will share, and help your children re-discover, the yummy taste of the HIGH QUALITY fruits & vegetables humans deserve.

No one will have to convince you that you are providing you and your children superior nutrition.

That is because you will convince yourself! 

This website is dedicated to helping you understand that there really *is* a difference in fresh fruits & vegetables.

All you need to start getting better food on your table is a simple hand-held meter and a BRIX chart. 

Your eyes will light up when you squeeze a drop of juice from a pear, apple, orange, celery stick, or whatever onto a prism, read the value, and compare the taste.

You'll instantly know that everything you were ever taught about food quality was bogus.
A word about buying a BRIX meter:
Unless blatantly damaged, most refractometers will get the job done- that is, they will give a reading on the scale. The "flaws" I am referring to are subtle and not so subtle design and package flaws.

  The problems I have seen in the cheaper models are as follows:
  1. Some have flimsy cases, not a rigid plastic case. Soft cases are less protective for the instrument and can be difficult to close. Also most soft cases are more likely to wear out sooner (you would have to see them to know what I am talking about).
  2. Many have the cover plate attached in such a way that it is VERY difficult to replace if it would ever break. If handled properly, the cover plate would never break, but we live in the real world and sometimes things get dropped. The model I have has a band that unscrews for easy cover plate replacement, should it ever be necessary. 
  3. Adjustment screw cover - many cheaper units do not have a cover and can get gummed up over time. Dust, dirt, and accidental spills work down into the threads and corrode or lock up.
  4. Cover plate bevel- this is a subtle point. If you work with the meters a lot, you will appreciate the simple "push pop" of the cover plate. It's a little difficult to describe in words, but the two pieces of the hinged cover plate are mounted in such a way that you can push down on the black part and it pops the clear part away from barrel. This is very helpful for cleaning and testing purposes.
  5. Ours has precision machining - most do OK in this department, but not all.
  6. Large, easy to read scale - other meters have really small numbers on the scale.
  7. Scale slippage - I have not personally seen this, but I have heard more than one report of internal scales shifting. The units are garbage at that point.
  8. Cover plate alignment - some just don't "lay down" property - due to the adjustable ring around the barrel, you can rotate the cover plate if necessary.
  9. Sticky hinges - the cover plate should move freely on the hinges - some are "sticky" and don't allow for easy distribution of the test sample.

  10. Binocular eyepiece vs. telescopic eyepiece - the cheap units use a telescopic or sliding eyepiece and that often becomes loose over time and will not hold focus.


  As you can see, not all meters are created equally. Many of the cheaper units I have seen have one or more of the items listed above. Some have many.

  The reason I decided to carry these meters is because they embody all of the qualities that make up a good meter at an incredible price. There are only a couple other models that are this good and they sell for a lot more, the most expensive one out there runs for about $229 each!

  Well, I hope you can see the value of these meters. These will give years and years of enjoyment.

  I have researched most of the meters on the market and this one is the best one at the best price (or at least really close to the best at the greatest price). If a store wants these we can put your private label on the cases and the meters.

  My long term vision is for everyone to have a BRIX meter and I don't want my name behind a low quality unit. These really are good to have and I am offering them at the best possible price. 

  For more information on BRIX theory you can call our Tele-Conference available for co-op members

Our meter has none of the 9 problems we discussed above. We had a BRIX expert test many of the meters on the market and this is the one that was picked.
Trivia Question of the Day

Why is it not optimal for the body to eat cultivars, such as kale, broccoli,

or any other vegetable that we grow (or other non-wild foods)?

Below are the questions that most people miss- lets see if you answer correctly.
Which part of this tangerine, or any any tree fruit, has the most nutrition or the highest BRIX level?

a. The top half of the fruit

b. The bottom half of the fruit

c. The middle part of the fruit

d. The part of the fruit nearest the skin

Which apricot or peach is the optimum fruit?
A. Sweet, giving to the touch w/ pit slighty cracked
B. Ugly on the outside. Very ripe on the inside. Pit
completely intact
C. Conventional, highly sprayed w/ heavy pit cracking
D. Who knows
Which fruit would be most nutritious?
A. seedless organic
B. seeded conventional w/ pesticides
C. seedless conventional w/ stems

Which is more important
A. Conventional fruit with high anti-oxidants &
B. Organic fruits low in phytochemicals but with no
C. They equal out?
D. Not enough information to answer the question.
Do you think all carrots are healthy? Don't expect a carrot with a 5 Brix to give you all the health benefits as a 18 Brix carrot.

Which should you do with a carrot before eating it?
A. peel it
B. cut the tips off
C. cut the top off
D. eat the whole thing, tip, top, and the greens on the top if you can.
  Which is the optimal way to shop?
  A. organic but shipped from far away but not tree ripe
  B. Conventional but local
  C. Foods that are ripe and organic
  D. Not enough information available.
Next time you buy an apple, see how much wax is on it.
_______has just about the same effect of soda on your blood sugar. You might as well drink your favorite soda.

a. Orange juice or carrot juice

c. Spinach juice or celery juice

d. lemon water

e. all of the above
Don't throw the wax out... You can make a candle out of the scraped off wax.

A commercial apple peel a day will NOT keep the doctor away, and invariably bring the undertaker prematurely.
I wonder what the BRIX level is for these kiwis.


1. Avoid wine with sulfites in it. Sulfites work opposte the phytochemicals in wine.

2.Do you ever eat sushi and see ginger on the plate. It's not their for taste. It's there to kill the parasites in the raw fish. This eliminate a lot of deaths as the ginger kills the bacteria and parasites while you eat it. If you eat raw flesh you just add to your parasidic load. If you have a good ecology you can probably eat anything raw according to your own sense.

Wild deer, if given genetically modified corn stalks, will not even eat them unless they are almost starving.

Co-op members get 50% off the price of our Brix meters.

Brix Chart for Single-Strength Juices

(Source: Code of Federal Regulations, Title 19, Volume 2, Revised as of April 1, 2004)

Type of Juice Average Brix Value (degrees)

Apple 13.3

Apricot 14.3

Bilberry (Whortleberry, Vaccinium Myrtillium) 13.4

Black Currant 15

Blackberry 10

Black Raspberry 11.1

Blueberry 14.1

Boysenberry 10

Carob 40

Cherry 14.3

Crabapple 15.4

Cranberry 10.5

Date 18.5

Dewberry 10

Elderberry 11

Fig 18.2

Gooseberry 8.3

Grape (Vitis Vinifera) 21.5

Grape (Slipskin varieties) 16

Grapefruit 10.2

Guava 7.7

Lemon 8.9

Lime 10

Loganberry 10.5

Mango 17

Naranjilla 10.5

Orange 11.8

Papaya 10.2

Passion Fruit 15.3

Peach 11.8

Pear 15.4

Pineapple 14.3

Plum 14.3

Pomegranate 18.2

Prune 18.5

Quince 13.3

Raisin 18.5

Raspberry (Red Raspberry) 10.5

Red Currant 10.5

Soursop (Guanabana, Annono Muricata) 16

Strawberry 8

Tamarind 55

Tangerine 11.5

Youngberry 10
Some tips on buying fruit:

If you buy a pineapple and it is green and you expect it to ripen at home...think TWICE! Pineapples that are picked green never fully ripen and
develop the phytochemicals. A brixxe meter is one way for me to tell if the pineapple was picked prematurely.
A ripe pineapple's leaves can be pulled easily.

Melons are the best source for alkaline, natural plant distilled water. A vine ripened canteloupe will have a small depression near where it came off
the stem. The netting on the survace of high brixxe canteloupes are more raised too. Non vine ripened ones don't have the depression since it was
picked prematurely

Organges and citrus fruits:
Oranges are never orange off the trees. They are orange with green speckles. If you buy an orange and its "orange" then you can assume that
the orange color is from food colorings (yes, organic ones can have colorings too)

More info on bananas:
1. If a banana ripens in less than 24 hours of when you buy it then you can be assured that it has been in an ethylene gas chamber that un-naturally
ripens fruits that does not let phytochemicals develop.

2. Bananas at its ripest and most nutritious stage is golden yellow with brown speckles all over it. Bananas look this way when ripe but might be lacking
the nutrients if it was ripened this way on the tree.

3.Warning: Once you put bananas in the refrigerator the ripening process stops. If you take the fruit back out of the fridge it will not ripen any
further, it will simply start the rotting process. Take a green banana and refrigerate it, then take it out and let it ripen. IT WON'T HAPPEN!
Commercial growers have to refridgerate fruit to keep them from spoiling and ethylene gas is their trick to fool you into thinking you ar eating ripe fruit.

4. A banana is not a sweet, juicy, cleansing fruit.